Can I Get Workers’ Compensation for Carpal Tunnel Syndrome?

Carpal Tunnel Syndrome - Working and Compensation

For those of us who have experienced carpal tunnel syndrome as the result of work-related activities, it can be frustrating to return to our offices or job sites to do the same tasks that caused the pain in the first place.

That is why it’s important for workers with carpal tunnel syndrome to understand their injuries may qualify under their employer-provided workers’ compensation program.

Carpal tunnel is considered an ongoing repetitive injury, which is caused by doing the same motion over and over. Examples of repetitive motion that could cause carpal tunnel syndrome are typing on a keyboard, using a computer mouse, or using equipment that causes repeated vibration in the hand and arm.

Ongoing repetitive injuries are commonly covered under worker compensation programs, which may pay for medical bills and treatments associated with the condition.

If You Are Not Getting Answers from Your Employer

When you file a claim for worker compensation, you should receive immediate attention from the manager or HR department in an attempt to resolve the issue.

If you feel that your employer is not properly addressing the issue or providing you with information about workers’ compensation for carpal tunnel syndrome, then you may want to speak with an employment lawyer who can help.

To get a referral to worker compensation lawyer in San Diego, please reach out to the Lawyer Referral and Information Service at (619) 231-8585, via online chat, or with an online request form.   

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