Category: Wellness

Fuel for Thought: How Energy Management Affects Your Engagement and Enjoyment

By Marta Manus

Now more than ever, our attention is pulled in a thousand different directions throughout the day, and it’s easy to mindlessly move through each day. We all have a finite level of energy. Think of your energy as a magnetic field that informs your perspective in every aspect of your life. It is the lens through which you view the world and your perspective and attitude. Understanding how your energy affects your engagement in life and how you show up is key to being more productive, increasing your overall wellbeing, and being more effective and engaged in your personal and professional life. You may not be in control of the external things that are going on in your life, but you can change the energy, or perspective, with which you experience these things. This is where your power lies. Your power lies in your ability to change the lens through which you experience life. Read More

Imposter Syndrome or Systemic Racism at Work?

By Tatiana Kline

I am fascinated by the concept of imposter syndrome. I frequently do meditations on combating imposter syndrome and took an Insight Timer course on overcoming it. This concept was introduced in 1978 in an article titled “The Imposter Phenomenon in High Achieving Women: Dynamics and Therapeutic Intervention” by Pauline R. Clance and Suzanne A. Imes. Imposter syndrome refers to people who doubt their achievements, despite being accomplished. There is a real fear that they will be found out as a fraud and their achievements were based on luck and not hard work and skill. Read More


By Heidi Weaver

Usually when I read an article or attend an event in the Wellness space, I come away with a to-do list of helpful action items that I have every intention of trying to implement in my busy life to improve my wellbeing. But we all know that adding stuff to your to-do list can be overwhelming, which can of course have a deleterious effect on your health and wellness. Read More