Every year, the SDCBA staff and Board of Directors strive to meet the new goals and sustained vision of the Association. At the close of each year, we compile an Annual Report to summarize and highlight the year’s growth and accomplishments. The 2019 Annual Report is now live on our website, acknowledging 2019 Section and Committee leadership and detailing the past year’s public service initiatives, events and programs, member benefits, communications efforts, and more. To view the report, please click here »
As we announced last week, the SDCBA Bar Center will remain closed through May and staff will continue working remotely through May 29. We will evaluate government orders and guidance prior to that date and assess whether and how it is safe and prudent to open. The health and safety of our staff and members is our priority. For the time being, all programs and meetings will continue to be held virtually, including our Board meetings on the second Tuesday evening of each month. We look forward to welcoming you all back to the Bar Center and resuming in-person events in the coming months.
While we continue with our virtual events, I’d like to thank our Superior Court leadership and all who joined us for the State of the Superior Court Address last Wednesday (with 2,826 registrants for that webinar). Our thanks also to the Federal Bar Association—San Diego Chapter and the Southern District’s court leadership for the State of the Southern District update last Friday, which the SDCBA co-sponsored. We understand how important these updates on Court operations are, as we all grapple with significant changes in serving our clients. We hope these updates provided you with helpful information during this challenging time.
For an update on the appellate courts, please join us tomorrow, May 5 at noon, for our annual CLE event, State of the Appellate Courts. Administrative Presiding Justice Judith McConnell and Ninth Circuit Judge Margaret McKeown will provide an update for appellate practitioners on new rules and procedures, the effect of the COVID-19 pandemic on the court systems, and other developments affecting appellate practice in the Fourth Appellate District and Ninth Circuit. To register, click here »
As we continue to read news of a protracted economic downturn, we’re working hard to bring you programs that can help you sustain and grow your practice even in adverse conditions. I hope you’ll take advantage of next week’s series: “Marketing Your Practice in a Down Economy.” This unique and highly relevant offering includes five different webinars, one each day from Monday through Friday, May 11-15. These programs are FREE to all SDCBA members, and will be facilitated by experts in marketing, technology, law practice management, public relations, and digital communications strategies. Learn more and register here »
For those of you interested in service opportunities, the SDCBA continues to update its community updates page with organizations in need of volunteers. In addition to our list, you can visit HandsOn San Diego to see organizations in San Diego County that are actively seeking volunteers.
Finally, last week the Supreme Court of California ordered the July 2020 Bar Exam to be postponed until September 9-10 and every effort should be made to administer it online. The National Conference of Bar Examiners will announce its plans for administering the exam tomorrow, May 5. To read more about the announcement, click here »
Our best wishes for a safe and healthy week, and a Happy Mother’s Day this coming Sunday.
Johanna Schiavoni
2020 SDCBA President