Category: Law Practice

Legal Ethics for New Attorneys: Trump’s Attorneys’ Fiasco

Legal Ethics for New Attorneys: Trump’s Attorneys’ Fiasco

Time for a Review of an Attorney’s Ethical Duties to Tell the Truth, Show Candor Toward the Tribunal, Provide Counsel Only on Legal or Just Matters, and File Only Meritorious Claims and Contentions

By Richard Hendlin
Attorney at Law

As judges around the country weigh how to hold accountable the lawyers who abused the courts to advance former President Trump’s frivolous challenges to the 2020 election, two recent cases are particularly instructive for attorneys who wish to comply with their ethical responsibilities. These cases also present a good opportunity to review various State Bar Act provisions and the California Rules of Profession Conduct [CRPC] that are potentially implicated by these recent developments. Read More

Ethical-Legal Challenges of Providing On-Site Healthcare to Protestors

Ethical-Legal Challenges of Providing On-Site Healthcare to Protestors

By Sasha Jamshidi
Farmer Case & Fedor

On September 29, the SDCBA Law and Medicine section collaborated with the San Diego Region Taskforce of the American Nurses Association (ANA) to host an invaluable discussion on the ethical-legal challenges that on-street nurses face in response to victims of police brutality. The ANA represents an essential group of workers who have provided medical aid to marginalized communities during the 2020-2021 racial equity demonstrations. Not only is the ANA considered an essential part of the healthcare sector, but it also has the mission of optimizing our nurses’ contribution to the health and wellbeing of individuals, families, and communities as a lobbying organization under 501(c)(6). In fact, the ANA is the largest national professional nursing organization in our country. Read More

Practitioner’s Perspective: Domestic Violence Laws

Practitioner’s Perspective: Domestic Violence Laws

By Laurel Anne Harris
Law Offices of Cynthia Ann Harris

October is not just known for pumpkin spice lattes and Halloween. In 1989, former President George Bush proclaimed October as the month for National Domestic Violence Awareness. An entire month each year dedicated to domestic violence provides legal practitioners and others in the justice community a chance to not only acknowledge the pervasiveness of domestic violence, but to explore ways to advocate for domestic violence victims. October also provides victims — who are now living as survivors —with the chance to share their stories in the hopes of continually shedding light on the dangers of domestic violence. Read More

New Lawyer Division Member Spotlight: Mallory Chase

New Lawyer Division Member Spotlight: Mallory Chase

By Stephanie Atkinson
Buchanan Ingersoll & Rooney

Mallory Chase, a sixth-year attorney with a practice focused on legal malpractice defense and business litigation, is the newest partner of Wingert Grebing Brubaker & Juskie. She is a member of the SDCBA Legal Ethics Committee and the California Lawyers Association’s Legal Ethics Committee where, among other things, she writes articles on ethics issues, contributes to ethics advisory opinions, and provides advice to SDCBA members through the Legal Ethics Hotline (619-231-0781). Read More

Tips from the Bar: Jennifer Nelson

Tips from the Bar: Jennifer Nelson

By Daniela Lagunas
San Diego City Attorney’s Office

The New Lawyer Division congratulates Jennifer Nelson, the newly appointed CEO of the San Diego Volunteer Lawyer Program (SDVLP). SDVLP provides critical legal services to low-income and vulnerable San Diegans, including domestic violence survivors, people living with HIV/AIDS, tenants facing eviction, foster youth, low-income entrepreneurs and nonprofit organizations, and caregivers seeking legal custody of abused and abandoned children. Read More

Working From Home vs. In the Office: NLD Members Weigh In

Working From Home vs. In the Office: NLD Members Weigh In

By Sara Gold
Eastman IP

Ever since wide-scale pandemic restrictions on working in the office were lifted a few months ago, the legal profession has diversified into a motley of different working arrangements — with some lawyers working in the office full-time, some still working at home, and many lawyers falling somewhere in between. Read More