Category: Law Practice

Update to Members from SDCBA Executive Director and President re COVID-19 3/20/20

Dear Members,

We are providing an additional update on the SDCBA’s response to the impact of COVID-19. We continue to prioritize the health and safety of our members and staff, while also playing a constructive role in supporting local health officials and government leaders as they work to contain the virus and protect our community as a whole.

#TechTuesday | Setting Default Font and Paragraph Spacing in Microsoft Word (Video)

It’s #TechTuesday! Today we are sharing another video tip in our new series titled “Tech Tip in a Tenth“. These are short, targeted, and practical videos approximately 6 minutes in length, because, as Technology Committee Member, David Majchrzak said, “Who can’t spare a point one!?” Read More

#TechTuesday | Add-ins, Add-ons and Apps in April

The most recent issue of San Diego Lawyer is dedicated to Law + Tech – a major initiative by the SDCBA to help members and the legal community at large, use technology better. It’s also the reason I, Adriana Linares, have the honor of serving as the Bar’s Member Technology Officer.  Earlier this year, we held a two day conference dedicated to the topic. Renee Stackhouse and I spoke to lawyers about “Serious Productivity Apps and Tips for the Mobile Lawyer”. One topic we included, is a favorite of mine, add-ons! I love good add-ons that improve my productivity and simplify time in front of my computer. Read More

Trial By Fire Is No Way To Use Tech @ Trial

By Shannon Bales

For many, the first use of trial presentation technology is trial by fire: they are thrown into a less-than-ideal situation. After all, everybody gets their start somewhere. The current tech reality in the courtroom is that lawyers seem to forget that going to trial is the most visible and high-stakes aspect of the work they do—and if the media are involved, their audience will go far beyond their clients and colleagues. Many lawyers simply do not have the commitment to technology used in the courtroom that they should have and it shows in the way they present their case and can create a negative effect on Read More

How to Make a Strong-And Realistic-Opening Offer in Negotiation

Gregg F. Relyea

Opening a Negotiation 
A case must be strategically positioned before meaningful negotiation can take place.  An invitation to negotiate can be perceived as premature if there are significant gaps in information about liability and damages.  Negotiation can be viewed as too late if the parties have waited too long, costs have become prohibitive, or the parties have become entrenched in their positions. Read More

TechTip in a Tenth: Cropping PDF Files in Adobe Acrobat

By Adriana Linares

It’s TechTuesday! Today we are sharing the 3rd of our new series titled “Tech Tip in a Tenth”. These are short, targeted, and practical video’s approximately 6 minutes in length, because, as Technology Committee Member, David Majchrzak said, “Who can’t spare a point one!?” First, a list of more more resources on the topic followed by today’s Tech Tip in a Tenth!

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Policy Limit Demands Vs. Mediation Confidentiality: Part 1

By Richard A. Huver

Is the lid off the policy?  That question has undoubtedly been asked by plaintiff and defense lawyers alike.  Whether an insurance company has a duty to accept a policy limits demand is generally an individualized question dependent on many factors, including the timing of the demand, the information available on both liability and damages, and the likelihood of a verdict in excess of the policy limits.  Evaluating how these factors apply to a demand made during the claim process or litigation is one thing.  But what happens if the policy limits demand is made incident to or during a mediation? Read More

Diversity & Inclusion: The Foundation of a Profession That Reflects the People We Serve

By Renée Stackhouse

The best explanation that I’ve seen about the definition and interrelationship between diversity and inclusion is this1:

Diversity is the who and the what; who’s sitting around that table, who’s been recruited, who’s being promoted and who we’re tracking from the traditional characteristics and identities of gender and ethnicity, sexual orientation and disability — inherent diversity characteristics that we’re born with.

Inclusion is the how; inclusion is the behaviors that welcome and embrace diversity. It is the active, intentional and ongoing engagement with diversity.

Jane Silber quipped, “The difference between diversity and inclusion is being invited to a house and being able to rearrange the furniture.” Verna Myers similarly said, “Diversity is being invited to the party. Inclusion is being asked to dance.”

The important distinction is that ability to effect change, to create movement, and to participate meaningfully requires inclusion.
This is a relatively new concept and it seems to be generational in nature. The boomer and Gen-X viewpoint has been categorized as that diversity was a representation of fairness and protection to all and that it was the “right thing to do” regardless of whether it benefited the business. But the focus still remained on fitting in once you were brought into the fold.2 Millennials, on the other hand (who in 10 years will comprise nearly 75 percent of the workforce), want acceptance for who they are and feel it is unnecessary to downplay their differences in order to get ahead.

Companies can expect to see tangible results (either way) depending on their diversity and inclusion policies and implementation. According to a Deloitte and Billie Jean King Leadership Initiative Study3, 83 percent of millennials are actively engaged when they believe their organization fosters an inclusive culture, compared to only 60 percent when their organization does not foster that type of culture. A recent Gallup study has cited that the cost of disengaged employees adds up to $483-$605 billion per year in lost productivity.4

Not only is inclusion important for engagement and has an effect on the corporate bottom line, but it’s vital to sustaining diversity in the legal profession.

Let’s take women in the law, for example. According to studies, women are about 56 percent of the enrolling first-year law students, and women have comprised 40 to 51 percent of the law school graduates in California for the last 20 years (growing to over 50 percent in the last few years). And yet, only about 36 to 40.6 percent of the lawyers in the state are women. Women are leaving the profession. This is especially true for women of color. More than 75 percent of women of color leave their (private) law firm within five years and 85 percent of women of color leave private law within seven years.5

Building pipelines for diversity has become a catchphrase and a box to check, but it’s not enough. Think of it this way: The diversity pipeline is the roller coaster heading up to the highest peak but if we don’t incorporate the inclusion aspect then the tracks end and the roller coaster plummets to the ground. We’re setting ourselves up for failure if we don’t utilize, accept and appreciate the diversity that is brought to the table.
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