Tag: wellness

“A long time ago in a galaxy far, far away….” (aka Why Finding a Hobby is Good For Your Health)

By Jeffrey Chinn

At Comic Con 2018, I sat through a panel titled “Judges on the Law of the Last Jedi and Solo” including with Judge John B. Owens of the Ninth Circuit Court of Appeals, Magistrate Judge Stacie Beckerman, and (San Diego’s own) Magistrate Judge Mitch Dembin. Each showed pictures of their chambers with displays of Star Wars-related memorabilia.1 It was refreshing for each judge to show their fandom of Star Wars. I thought that this makes sense as every lawyer needs some activity to take their mind off of the everyday briefs, motions, research, etc. Read More

A Daily Morning Routine Will Start Your Day Right

By Monty McIntyre

The Problem: 

Lawyers know that the law is a “jealous mistress.” It demands lots of our time and attention and includes constant deadlines set by others. This can cause stress. The Internet and Social Media have made life even more stressful with constant input 24/7 and demands for an immediate response from our clients and others. Read More