Author: San Diego County Bar Association

President’s Message: September 27, 2021

The SDCBA has twenty-six practice area-related Sections, from Alternative Dispute Resolution to Workers Compensation Law. Each of these Sections is free to join with your membership and you can join as many as you would like. I joined all the Sections several years ago and I’ve enjoyed the feeling of connection with our community and seeing what topics pop up in the various practice areas. Section members can vote in the upcoming Section Elections which will run September 30 through October 21. Make sure to join and cast your vote! (See “Of Note” below for more details.) My sincere thanks to the 2021 Section leadership who have continued to be creative in providing ways to connect and educate our members. They have been tireless in their efforts and dedication. Read More

President’s Message: September 20, 2021

In healthy times, our police, firefighters, paramedics, EMTs, licensed healthcare workers, and corrections/probations officers assume risks to protect our San Diego community in ways that often go unrecognized. With the pandemic, and by the very nature of their work, these s/heroes have faced increased risks of coronavirus exposure and infection and dangerous emotionally volatile situations. Read More

ABA Formal Opinion 499 Provides Critical Guidance for Attorneys Considering Investment in Jurisdictions Allowing Nonlawyer Ownership of Law Firms

By Andrew A. Servais

California Rule of Professional Conduct and ABA Model Rule of Professional Conduct 5.4 feature a number of prohibitions designed to preserve the professional independence of lawyers, including prohibiting the sharing of legal fees with a nonlawyer, forming a partnership with a nonlawyer (if any of the activities of the partnership consist of the practice of law), and practicing in a business structure in which a nonlawyer owns any interest in the business or serves as a corporate director or officer. Read More

President’s Message: September 13, 2021

Did you know that the San Diego County Bar Foundation is the SDCBA’s “sister” organization, a stand-alone 501(c)(3) with its own separate Board of Directors? The Foundation strives to provide access to justice by investing in sustainable results and advocacy for people and communities in our region that are impacted by poverty, abuse, and discrimination. It strengthens the profession by providing lawyers the opportunity to contribute to the quality and benefit of San Diego County. Read More