Author: San Diego County Bar Association

Mindful Minute: How My Day Planner Became a Journal of the Unplanned

By Heidi Weaver

I’ve understood my whole life that there are many wellness benefits to writing in a journal. Self-reflection, stress relief, and recording good ideas are a few that come to mind. I realized these benefits in my teen and early adult years, when I regularly poured my deepest (and not so deep) thoughts out in page after page of my diary. But as my obligations increased over the years with working full time and a busy family life, I started to see journaling every evening as yet another pressure-filled, time-consuming chore rather than a healing opportunity, and abandoned the practice. Read More

The Ethical Implications of Representing a Minor Whose Guardian Ad Litem is Not Serving the Best Interests of the Minor

By Richard D. Hendlin

This Ethics in Brief article arises from a recent inquiry I received through the SDCBA Legal Ethics Hotline (phone: 619.231.0781×4145) involving an attorney who posed the hypothetical question of whether an attorney who represents a minor with a guardian ad litem [GAL] could ethically petition the superior court to remove the GAL who the attorney believes is not following the attorney’s advice and not acting in the minor’s best interests? Read More

President’s Message: August 30, 2021

In case you were still blissfully enjoying your “endless” summer, here is your friendly Public Service Announcement that you’ve only got about three weeks left to soak in that summer sun. This week marks the start of September! The Pumpkin Spice Latte is already back at Starbucks. Halloween is in 62 days. Diwali is in 66 days. Thanksgiving is in 87 days. Hanukkah is in 90 days. Christmas is in 117 days. Kwanzaa is in 118 days. I count down to this time of year because Autumn is my favorite season, and Halloween is my favorite holiday. Read More