Author: San Diego County Bar Association

President’s Message: February 7, 2022

As we approach Super Bowl weekend, I am slowly coming to grips with the fact that this is another year when the Bills will not be the league champs. Growing up in Buffalo, I was around a lot of sports fans who had something akin to Charlie Brown’s “I got a rock” approach to their teams. Like San Diego, Buffalo has never won a championship in Major League Baseball, the National Football League, the National Hockey League, or the National Basketball Association. Perhaps fittingly, Buffalo’s NBA team left the city in 1978 to come to San Diego, before ultimately departing for Los Angeles. In fact, no city has gone more seasons without a championship than Buffalo. But that made me admire all the more the athletes that competed in my city. They had resilience. Read More

Your Brother and Sister’s Keeper? Ethical Duties of Managers and Supervisors

By Edward J. McIntyre

We tend to think of our obligations under the Rules of Professional Conduct as personal duties specific to our own conduct. And, indeed, the rules prescribe permissible conduct for California lawyers. Those obligations, however, stretch beyond what each of us may or must do and say. Read More

President’s Message: January 31, 2022

I have been around a lot of discussions about leadership lately. In consecutive weekends, our board had its annual retreat and then I attended the California Lawyers Association leadership conference. And, as referenced below, the San Diego County Bar Association launched its leadership academy, a project that has been years in the making. During one of my many conversations, somebody solicited some leadership secrets, a phrase that triggered my memory of a fun read from many years ago. Read More