Category: Law Practice

Tips from the Bench: Judge Tamila Ipema

Tips from the Bench: Judge Tamila Ipema

By Linda Nelte
Miller, Monson, Peshel, Polacek & Hoshaw

Judge Tamila Ebrahimi Ipema is the first Iranian-American Judge appointed to the bench of the California Superior Court in San Diego. She was born and raised in Tehran, Iran. Her father, a human rights activist and lawyer, instilled the importance of education in his children, including Judge Ipema. Her parents gave her the choice of marrying young, as her mother and grandmother had done before her, or pursuing an education. Judge Ipema chose the latter and obtained her bachelor’s degree from Damavand College in Tehran, Iran, by the age of 20. Read More

Lawyers’ Obligation of Candor to Opposing Parties and Third Parties

By Deborah Wolfe

Lawyers have always had a duty to be honest and truthful pursuant to general ethical principles, as well as the State Bar Act. The newest version of the Rules of Professional Conduct, effective November 1, 2018, provides more specific guidance to lawyers relative to this duty. Rules 1.2.1, 1.6, 3.4, 4.1, 4.2, 4.3,7.1 through 7.5, and 8.4 are all implicated in this duty, as well as Business & Professions Code (“B&P”) sections 6068(d), 6106, and 6128, among others. This discussion will focus on the B&P Code sections, violations of which constitute cause for disbarment or other State Bar sanction, including but not limited to suspension, fines, and re-taking the Professional Responsibility examination. Read More

When Does a Demand Letter Constitute Extortion?

When Does a Demand Letter Constitute Extortion?

By Carole J. Buckner
Partner and General Counsel, Procopio, Cory, Hargreaves & Savitch LLP

The court’s decision in Falcon Brands, Inc. v. Mousavi & Lee, LLP, 2022 WL 246851 (Jan. 27, 2022) provides insight for all lawyers regarding when settlement demands “cross the line and become professional misconduct.”  Read More

Message from the Vice Chair of the NLD

Message from the Vice Chair of the NLD

By Stephanie Pengilley
Bickel Sannipoli APC

Greeting NLD Members, 

It is a pleasure to serve as your vice chair this year! I am excited to be a part of this year’s Executive Committee bringing NLD exciting and creative events to further new lawyers’ careers and provide opportunities. As vice chair I hope to provide ample opportunities for our members to get involved in the legal community, connect with experienced attorneys, and have the chance to give back. Read More

The MLB’s Collective Bargaining Approach: Short-Term Gain Versus Long-Term Pain?

The MLB’s Collective Bargaining Approach: Short-Term Gain Versus Long-Term Pain?

By Matthew Spolsky
Ford, Walker, Haggerty & Behar LLP

Major League Baseball (MLB) concluded its 2021 season on a high note with the Atlanta Braves taking down the widely hated Houston Astros. What happened next was something a lot of fans hoped would have been avoided. Read More

NLD Member Spotlight: Malak Behrouznami

NLD Member Spotlight: Malak Behrouznami

By Sara Gold
Eastman IP

“Working hard, handling difficult cases, and working late hours — sometimes staying up until 3:00 in the morning to make sure a trial is fully prepped — is completely worth it when you know you’re making a difference in someone else’s life,” says Deputy District Attorney Malak Behrouznami. Read More

Creating a Complete Picture as a Public Defender

Creating a Complete Picture as a Public Defender

By Yahairah Aristy
San Diego Public Defender’s Office

How I got to where I am today is the product of many lived experiences that began in my childhood. My childhood was filled with experiences that I believe it is best children do not experience — parents with substance abuse disorders, neglect, and physical abuse. These experiences served as a catalyst for me to depend on my maternal grandmother for the provision of my daily needs as a child, and because of her I did not grow up in the foster care system. Still, despite everything, my mother was instrumental in instilling in me the value of education and community service. Read More

Tips from the Bar: Heather Rosing

Tips from the Bar: Heather Rosing

By Daniela Lagunas
Schwartz, Semerdjian, Cauley & Evans LLP

Klinedinst CEO and former SDCBA president Heather L. Rosing recently received the National Conference of Bar Presidents (NCBP) Fellows Award for her exceptional work within the legal community. During her 26 years of practice, Rosing has not only paved the way for female attorneys in private practice but has also developed a nationwide reputation for her skills and legal experience. Read More