President’s Message: July 12, 2021

“Great leaders don’t set out to be a leader… they set out to make a difference. It’s never about the role- always about the goal.” – Lisa Haisha

You can make a difference. Your traits, background, and life experiences make you unique and, yes, special. As Dr. Seuss said, “There is no one alive who is Youer than You” and that gift of you, and all you bring to the table, can make our wonderful legal community even better. Have you ever thought about stepping into leadership? Or expanding your leadership role? Before you tell me (or yourself) why you can’t do it, I’d like to ask you to do two things. First, think back over the last year of your practice and identify inequities or inefficiencies you observed. Second, think forward five to ten years and where you want to be and what you need to accomplish to get there. If either of those things inspired you to take a step forward on a leadership path, the SDCBA is here to walk it with you as we begin planning for 2022.

Run for the SDCBA Board 
Are you interested in running for the SDCBA Board of Directors? You can see the qualifications required here. The self-nomination deadline is August 2, 2021 which is only about three weeks away! If you have any questions about the time commitment or the work we do, I would be happy to talk with you.

Apply for a Committee Appointment 
If you’re not quite ready for the time commitment of serving on the SDCBA Board, or you are looking to build your leadership skills, self-nominations are open for 2022 Committee Appointments through August 2. 2022 SDCBA President David Majchrzak will be reviewing all submissions and making appointments to be ratified by the Board before the end of 2021. If you are currently serving on an SDCBA Committee and would like to continue your service, make sure to re-apply as well!

Apply for a spot in the Leadership Academy
Building lawyers as leaders is one of the SDCBA strategic priorities. To advance the goal, the SDCBA is launching a 6-month intensive Leadership Academy to equip attorney members with essential leadership skills or grow and enhance established leadership skills. Example topics to be covered include self-leadership, leading with empathy and compassion, authentic communication, and leading with purpose and vision. The Academy will launch in January 2022 and run through June. You can learn more and apply here. Deadline for applications is September 15 at 5 p.m. 

2022 may seem far away, but, really, it will be here before we know it. Have faith in yourself, your capabilities, and your leadership path. And don’t forget “Silenzio, Bruno!” if he’s taking up space in your head.  

Renée N.G. Stackhouse
2021 SDCBA President

Reading nowDecade of Betrayal: Mexican Repatriation in the 1930s by Francisco E. Balderrama, Raymond Rodríguez
Listening to: Struck a Nerve by Bad Religion
What are you reading or listening to? Tag us #sdlaw #sdcba