In San Diego County, medication errors are one of the most common problems at assisted living homes – accounting for 15.9 percent of all recorded violations, along with lack of medical care and lack of first-aid training.

So it’s not surprising that families of patients who reside in assisted living facilities or nursing homes are concerned about how medicine is administered. If medication errors happen to their relatives, should they proceed with a medical malpractice claim?
Prescribing Improper Medication is Medical Malpractice
While an improper medical prescription may be grounds for a medical malpractice lawsuit, the administration of the wrong medication may not be. However, it depends on the circumstances. For example, an attorney may decide to file for wrongful death as a result of the medication error, if a death occurred due to the mistake.
Determining the course of action in cases where a nursing home or assisted living facility is involved can be complex, because some residences do not have trained medical staff. The attorney will look into all of the data available and use it to put together a viable case, if possible.
Contact a Medical Malpractice Attorney
If you or someone you care about is the victim of a medicine error at a nursing facility or assisted living complex, then you may want to speak with a malpractice attorney about your next steps.
To find a lawyer in San Diego who is experienced in nursing home lawsuits, please get a referral from the Lawyer Referral and Information Service (LRIS) of San Diego County by calling (619) 231-8585, starting a live online chat with our referral staff, or submitting an online request form. The referred attorney will provide you with up to 30 minutes of consultation time, at no charge to you.