What You Should Do After a Car Accident Happens to You
In some auto accidents, a civil lawsuit is a distinct possibility – here’s what to do.
In some auto accidents, a civil lawsuit is a distinct possibility – here’s what to do.
Whether you’re dealing with insurance problems regarding your home, health, automobile or other coverage, it can be stressful when you don’t know where to turn for help. The good news is that San Diego has several legal resources serving insurance consumers who are facing issues with claims, cancellations, and related challenges. To help you get started, here are three legal resources in San Diego County:
If you receive a letter from a government agency advising you that they need your property for a public project, it means that the agency plans to construct a public project on your property and is going to offer to purchase it. It is known as condemnation, but it does not mean that your property is unsafe or of poor quality. The government has the right, under eminent domain, to assume the ownership of property where and when it deems necessary for public use.