What is the Difference between Personal Property and Real Property?
In civil litigation, when the lawsuit involves some type of property dispute or damage, there may need to be a distinction between personal property and real property.
In civil litigation, when the lawsuit involves some type of property dispute or damage, there may need to be a distinction between personal property and real property.
When you think estate planning, you probably don’t envision a discussion over Thanksgiving turkey. However, the holidays are one of the best opportunities for families to open up about financial decisions, expectations, and what the future holds. Here are a few reasons why.
California recently passed the U Visa Bill, and now immigrants who are victims of a crime can get the help they need from law enforcement.
As we approach the Veterans Day holiday, it seems only fitting to mention one of the great legal resources available to military veterans, the Veterans Self-Help Clinic.
Publishing our opinions on the Internet is as much an expectation these days as a convenience. But what happens if your comments attract the wrong kind of attention – can you be sued for your online opinions?