Representation, Trust, and Innovation: The Effect of COVID-19 on Communities of Color

This article was originally published in the July/Aug 2021 issue of San Diego Lawyer Magazine.
This article was originally published in the July/Aug 2021 issue of San Diego Lawyer Magazine.
This article was originally published in the July/Aug 2021 issue of San Diego Lawyer Magazine.
This article was originally published in the July/Aug 2021 issue of San Diego Lawyer Magazine.
This article was originally published in the July/Aug 2021 issue of San Diego Lawyer Magazine.
No trial attorney is perfect. Even the most prepared and experienced trial attorneys should expect their adversaries to attack not just their clients’ actions and inactions, but also claimed missteps by the trial attorneys themselves. This is especially evident in appeals, where parties regularly argue that issues have been waived or forfeited; that deadlines have bene missed; or decry alleged attorney misconduct in the trial court below.
The SDCBA’s fee arbitration program offers parties an opportunity to resolve fee disputes as an alternative to taking disputes to superior court. The fee arbitration is an informal, confidential, impartial, and lower-cost avenue for resolving fee disputes between attorneys and clients. Clients are able to have a neutral arbitrator hear fee disputes with their attorneys. The arbitrator determines whether fees and costs charged by the attorney are reasonable for the services provided. California Business Code section 6200 et seq. establishes a system and procedure for the arbitration of disputes concerning costs and fees charged for attorney professional services.
If cats were discovered to be Communists, would they be cancelled on the Internet?
The SDCBA Labor and Employment Law Section hosted a timely seminar last month on Navigating a Safe Return to in-person work in light of the global pandemic. The webinar featured attorneys Arcelia N. Magaña and Sandy McDonough, who presented and shared insights on recent changes to the law and related trends. If you missed it, have no fear. Below are some main takeaways from the event.