I don’t know about you, but I didn’t go to law school to become a banker.[1] However, when you raised your hand to become an attorney, you agreed to abide by a 150-page manual of accounting principles that applies to client trust accounts called the Interest on Lawyers’ Trust Accounts (IOLTA).Read More
Tips For New Lawyers: Requests for Production of Documents, Tangible Things, Land, and Other Property
By Katherine Dishongh, Esq.
In civil cases, parties can use Requests for Production of Documents (RFP) to obtain documents. There is no limit on the number of RFPs. Keep your RFPs in mind when drafting other discovery devices to avoid wasting limited Special Interrogatories or Requests for Admission.Read More
Feeling a little gloomy? I know I am! Unfortunately, May Gray was all too real, and June Gloom is staying true to its name. “Sunny” San Diego did not have one clear day in May, according to data from the National Weather Service, and it appears June will trend gloomy as well. So if you are feeling a little down, I encourage you to set an intention to do something that brings you joy. Whether that’s going to the beach, hanging out with a friend, going on a hike or trying something new, get out and do something lift your mood. If you’re not sure what to do check out the SDCBA’s WellnessWednesday.Read More
By Matthew M. Spolsky, Esq. Ford, Walker, Haggerty & Behar, LLP
Judge Joel Wohlfeil is proud to serve the San Diego community as a judge; when you first enter his courtroom, this is evident. He has chosen to hang artwork in his courtroom which show important memories in his legal career. His chambers are filled with photographs of things he values including his family, his memorial to his father, and his legal career. One hallmark of his chambers is the Daily Journal article which featured him and his work ethic as a judge throughout his career. When you meet Judge Wohlfeil, you feel he values both his work as a judge and what he continues to do for the community.Read More
Tips from the Bar: Deputy District Attorney James D. Koerber
By Garret Arrieta California Western School of Law Class of ‘25
Deputy District Attorney James D. Koerber has served as a public servant in California for almost 40 years. First, he served as a Deputy District Attorney in Riverside County. He then went on to advocate for San Diegans as a Deputy District Attorney for over 35 years. He currently works at the Major Violator Unit in the Superior Court Division of the San Diego County District Attorney’s Office. As a veteran prosecutor, he epitomizes what it means to be a public servant.Read More