Day: May 20, 2024

Tech Talk: Microsoft Word – Advanced Editing Tips for Pasting Text

Cutting and pasting is a simple task. Perhaps so simple and effective that most users never ask, “Could there be more?” With a few keystrokes, you can easily repurpose text from one place to another. It’s such a common and old function that it’s probably one of the few keyboard shortcuts known by the least proficient Word-users: CTRL + X cuts, CTRL + C copies, and CTRL + V pastes. But could there be more? I’m so glad you asked because, yes yes, there is so much more. You have OPTIONS, and they can work wonders in helping you insert text more efficiently and prevent you from getting into a formatting fight with Word. Read More

DEI Drop: An Immigrant Story

By Bhashini Weerasinghe

As we rapidly approach the upcoming election and brace for the inevitable and continued onslaught of campaign attacks on some of the most vulnerable populations, I cannot help but think about my own immigrant story. I was seven years old when my dad told us that he was going to go to the United States to get things situated before we would all join him in about a year. I remember the party we had on his last day in Sri Lanka and the ride to the airport to drop him off. I also remember waking up the next day and wanting to see my dad and having my mom tell me that dad is on a flight. She pulled out a globe to show me that dad is flying across the world. I remember asking if we could take the train to meet him. My seven-year-old brain was struggling to understand what an ocean was and why we could not see dad. I remember that year, I had many phone chats with my dad — but that meant, we get word that dad is trying to call, and we all would head to the town where there was a clothing store that had a phone and wait for him to call back. In Sri Lanka, we didn’t have our own phone — no one did. This was before cell phones were a thing, and before you could Facetime with your loved ones.   Read More