Day: June 3, 2024

Tech Talk: Consider a Digital Phone System

By Adriana Linares

For many attorneys and professionals, maintaining a separate office phone number without carrying an additional device is crucial. Softphones, commonly known as voice-over-ip phones, offer a viable and affordable solution. These services consist of a subscription and/or an app that uses your device’s microphone and speakers (and sometimes camera) and, of course, an internet connection. Devices such as laptops, smartphones, computers, smart TVs, and tablets can all be converted into softphones. Read More

Wellness: Self-Advocacy is Not Optional

By Tatiana Kline

As a Public Defender, I have become skilled at advocating on behalf of others. I take pride in my ability to fight for what is right and not back down until a just outcome is obtained for my clients. But when it comes to advocating for myself, that skill seems to vanish. I find myself unable to advocate in the same zealous manner when it comes to my needs.   Read More