Name and title: Robert H. Gleason, President & Chief Executive Officer, Evans Hotels
Undergraduate and law school: Princeton University and University of San Diego School of Law
Years in practice: 23
Why do you serve?
Shirley Chisholm said it best, “Service is the rent we pay for the privilege of living on this earth.” I have been privileged to be seen, heard, and supported as a gay man throughout my life. Everyone who has experienced difference should be able to have that same experience.
What/Who inspires you to serve?
My personal motto is “Make It Better.” I truly believe everyone can make a difference. If we all leave everything we touch just a little bit better, those small individual actions can combine for huge collective impact.
What advice would you give others to inspire them to serve?Recognize what you love and value, then figure out how your unique gifts can be applied to make that better. Service is not just your opportunity; it’s your responsibility. And it’s not only for the benefit of others – the life you change might just be your own.
Please list three noteworthy people (living or dead) you’d want to have dinner with and why.
A “thank you” party with William Shakespeare for inspiring my love of language and theatre, Harvey Milk for demonstrating the power of LGBT pride and visibility, and Ruth Bader Ginsberg for being a champion of equality and reminding us all to “Fight for the things that you care about, but do it in a way that will lead others to join you.”
What is one item on your bucket list?
A trip to the Galapagos Islands. I cannot wait to start traveling again!
What is your favorite quote?
“Always grateful; never satisfied.” It means always saying “thank you” and appreciating progress made possible by those who came before. It also means recognizing that there is much work still to do and that it is our responsibility to make it happen for the benefit of those who come after.
Favorite place on earth?
Inside any theatre as the house lights dim.
Favorite place in San Diego?
Watching the sunset from the deck of A.R. Valentine at The Lodge at Torrey Pines.
Cherished advice that you have received from a loved-one, mentor or colleague?
When I was a young man, my grandfather wrote to me “Knowledge is power – therefore get knowledge, but in all your getting, get understanding.” It took me many years to appreciate the difference.
If you could magically change one thing about the world, what would it be?
Understanding, support, and equality for transgender and nonbinary individuals, empowering them to live their authentic lives to their fullest potential.
How can others make giving back part of their daily lives?
Follow your passion. As Mr. Rogers said, “look for the helpers” – those people and organizations doing the work to make the community better in the ways that are important to you. Then determine how your time, talent, and treasure can benefit those causes. Make service a habit.
In what ways does serving the wider community benefit the legal profession?
Good lawyers, like good people, succeed not only through hard work and dedication, but also through compassion. Being in service to humanity and building a better community requires humility, respect for others, cooperation, and collaboration – all traits that can benefit individual lawyers and the legal profession as a whole.
The SDCBA Law Day theme this year is “Advancing the Rule of Law Now.” What does this theme mean to you in your work and in your daily life?
In an increasingly complex world, living in community requires respect and responsibility. Equity and justice require the fair and consistent application of our shared rights and obligations. As lawyers and as people, we must recognize the effect of our actions on others and act accordingly by living those values.
As a recipient of a 2020 Service Award, who would you like to thank?
My parents for modeling values and service, my husband for his constant love and support, our children for providing inspiration, and my work family for their example and encouragement. They all not only make it possible for me to serve, but always make me want to be a better person.