Name and title: Elaine Lawrence, Executive Director (2011-2021), Lawyers Club of San Diego
Undergraduate and graduate schools: Northeastern University , Masters of Business Administration (1986), Simmons College Graduate School of Management, Boston, MA
Why do you serve?
I derive deep satisfaction and joy from serving Lawyers Club and its members, particularly first-time board members, and sharing skills and knowledge gained over my long career. To be recognized by the SDCBA for this award is overwhelming and a fitting punctuation of my retirement.
What/Who inspires you to serve?
I am inspired by people who are kind, generous with themselves and their time, and selfless.
What advice would you give others to inspire them to serve?
Ask yourself what it is that you really care about, what you have to contribute, and be open and alert to new opportunities that come your way. Volunteering including through board service is one way to share your unique talents and to give back to the community.
Please list three noteworthy people (living or dead) you’d want to have dinner with and why.
Hon. Ruth Bader Ginsburg, for her tremendous service and contributions to gender equality and women’s rights; Mahatma Ghandi, whose nonviolent protest platform and efforts to eradicate poverty and improve women’s rights are inspirational; Prime Minister Jacinda Ardern, who is transforming New Zealand through model initiatives to tackle hunger, child poverty, and paid family leave.
What is one item on your bucket list?
To be on the water paddling my kayak as often as possible.
What is your favorite quote?
“The future depends entirely on what each of us does every day. After all, a movement is only people moving.” – Gloria Steinem
Favorite place on earth?
My favorite place on earth is at home with my family.
Favorite place in San Diego?
A favorite place in San Diego is the Meditation Gardens at the Self-Realization Fellowship Temple in Encinitas. I find it to be a quiet place for self-reflection, and the views can’t be beat.
Cherished advice that you have received from a loved-one, mentor or colleague?
You can never change someone else. You can only change your own expectations, attitudes, and assumptions.
If you could magically change one thing about the world, what would it be?
If I could change one thing about the world, it is that no one would suffer from emotional or physical abuse.
How can others make giving back part of their daily lives?
Pay it forward daily in small ways to see what benefits you gain and how it fits into your life.
The SDCBA Law Day theme this year is “Advancing the Rule of Law Now.” What does this theme mean to you in your work and in your daily life?
“Advancing the Rule of Law Now” to me means no exceptions to the law for the wealthy, the powerful, or the privileged.
As a recipient of a 2020 Service Award, who would you like to thank?
Thank you to the San Diego County Bar Association for this great honor, to Lawyers Club for the privilege of having served as Executive Director, and to my husband Gerry and daughters Jessica and Johanna who support me in all that I do.