Message from the Community Service Chair

Aguirre & Severson LLP
One lesson I learned from my parents is that we are put on this planet to help others. Some of the greatest lawyers spent their lives helping others: Mahatma Gandhi, Nelson Mandela, and Abraham Lincoln to name a few. Nelson Mandela once said, “What counts in life is not the mere fact that we have lived; it is what difference we have made to the lives of others that will determine the significance of the life we lead.”
As lawyers, we are well equipped to make a difference in the lives of others. One problem that may not be readily apparent to many of us in San Diego is nutrition insecurity. The San Diego Hunger Coalition estimates that nearly 1 in 3 San Diegans experience nutrition insecurity, or are unable to provide three nutritious meals per day for themselves and/or their families.
On Aug. 13, 2022, the NLD partnered with the SDCBA’s Alternative Dispute Resolution (ADR) Section and, with help from the Environmental Law/Land Use Section, volunteered at The Jacobs & Cushman San Diego Food Bank. Along with its North County Food Bank chapter, the San Diego Food Bank is the largest hunger-relief organization in San Diego County. The Food Bank provides nutritious food to individuals and families to combat food insecurity throughout San Diego County.
During this volunteer event, SDCBA members and supporters packaged boxes of food for San Diego seniors in need. In less than three hours, with approximately 30 volunteers, we were able to package 720 boxes of food, consisting of nearly 22,320 lbs. of food, amounting to approximately 18,600 meals.
The Food Bank is always in need of volunteers to help donate food, host a food drive, or donate your time to help package and/or distribute food to those in need. To learn more about ways you can help, click here.

Upcoming NLD Events and Opportunities:
9/8/2022 – Mentorship Mixer: A fun and informal speed meet and greet mentoring event, where law students and new lawyers (0-6 years of practice) will have the opportunity to informally meet experienced attorneys (7+ years of practice), talk about lawyering in San Diego and how best to succeed in the early stages of your legal career, and make informal mentoring contacts in various areas of practice. Click here to register now.
9/14/22 – Leadership Academy Application Deadline: New lawyers with at least two years in practice are eligible to apply for the SDCBA’s 2023 Leadership Academy. You can attend a free information session August 19 (virtual) and/or August 31 (hybrid) to learn about the Leadership Academy, which held its successful inaugural program this year. You can learn more in this month’s For the Record.
10/2022 – USD Transgender Name & Gender-Marker Change Clinic: NLD is partnering with University of San Diego’s (USD) Transgender Name & Gender-Marker Change Clinic. The clinic provides legal assistance to transgender and nonbinary individuals seeking name and gender-marker changes through the San Diego County court system. For more information about the clinic, click here. We will need volunteer attorneys to help USD law students assist eligible clients with completing necessary applications and help those individuals navigate both the name and/or gender-marker change process. Volunteers will be provided a free orientation on the application and process. Be on the lookout for more information.
If you have any volunteer opportunities you would like NLD to spotlight or consider, please contact me at ETGgalio@gmail.com.