By Beth Ploesch
Who We Are and What We Do
Children’s Legal Services of San Diego, Inc. (CLS) provides legal representation for youth involved in juvenile dependency cases. CLS is appointed to represent the child by the juvenile court when a social worker files a petition alleging child abuse or neglect. As appointed counsel, the CLS attorneys serve as the attorney and guardian ad litem for the child throughout the dependency case. Typical litigation in the dependency case involves where the child lives, whether the family is getting adequate services, and also the child’s permanent plan, including reunification with family, adoption, or guardianship. In addition to representing children, CLS also represents former foster youth ages 18 to 21 who are participating in Extended Foster Care, a voluntary program to support the youth’s transition to adulthood. CLS currently represents approximately 1,700 youth throughout San Diego County.
The Problem
As part of their statutory duties, CLS attorneys must identify all of the child’s legal needs, including those that fall outside of the juvenile dependency case. Oftentimes, foster youth have legal needs including immigration filings, civil claims, SSI benefit applications, identity theft, and even inheritance/probate issues. If a minor is a teen parent, they may also need to establish paternity or custody of their child. CLS attorneys cannot act as the guardian ad litem or attorney in these types of outside legal proceedings.
The Solution — Where You Come In!
Once the CLS attorney identifies an outside legal need and informs the court, the judge looks to the pro bono San Diego County Bar Association’s Guardian Ad Litem (GAL) panel for help. The San Diego County Bar Association matches a volunteer to the case and provides the GAL with relevant information about the youth’s legal needs. The GAL then investigates the potential legal issues by reviewing information and talking to the CLS attorney who represents the child in juvenile court. If the GAL determines there is a viable legal issue, the GAL reaches out to the San Diego legal community to locate an attorney who specializes in the identified legal issue. The GAL acts on behalf of the youth’s interests while the attorney pursues legal action on behalf of the child.
If you are interested in participating in this immensely valuable service for our youth, please contact either Beth Ploesch at BethP@clssandiego.org or Steve Wedel at SteveW@clssandiego.org.
As a GAL on the panel, you will receive in-depth training on dependency and the duties of a GAL. Additionally, SDCBA and the CLS attorneys are available to answer questions.
But Wait, There’s More!
If you’re interested in helping foster youth but looking to serve as a lawyer instead of a GAL, there are two other ways to be involved. If you are interested in either of these panels, please contact Steve or Beth.
Non-Minor Dependent (NMD) panel: Former foster youth ages 18 to 21 can participate in extended foster care. Many of these CLS clients/young adults need legal guidance or representation beyond the dependency courtroom. As a referral resource for the NMD panel, pro bono NMD lawyers act on an as-needed basis, providing pro bono legal guidance or representation about topics such as landlord tenant issues, family law issues (custody or restraining orders), employment discrimination, and criminal matters. If interested, please contact CLS to be added to the referral list.
Conflict panel: If you’re interested in practicing dependency law and representing youth involved in these proceedings, we could use your help. Conflict panel attorneys are paid by CLS to represent youth ages 0 to 21 in dependency court if there is a conflict of interest that prevents the existing lawyers from representing the client. CLS provides intensive training and assists attorneys in obtaining the certification required under the local rules.
And as a final encouragement, Presiding Judge of the San Diego Juvenile Court, Judge Ana Espana says: “Please consider these opportunities to help our San Diego foster children. As a former child’s attorney doing this work, I can tell you it is incredibly rewarding. There is nothing better than to help these kids navigate the legal challenges that impact their lives. Through your advocacy on their behalf, you can make a real difference.”
For more information and to submit an application to the program, visit: sdcba.org/gal or email Director of public service programs Michelle Chavez at mchavez@sdcba.org.
Beth Ploesch is the Executive Director and co-founder of Children’s Legal Services of San Diego.