Special Message to the SDCBA Membership
We are now less than two weeks away from the July 6th reopening of the SDCBA offices and Bar Center and we could not be more excited!
We are now less than two weeks away from the July 6th reopening of the SDCBA offices and Bar Center and we could not be more excited!
Understanding and adhering to statutory and ethical standards in the arbitration setting is critical to preserve the neutrality and integrity of the private system of adjudication.
Do you ever feel disconnected or wish you could relate to people on a deeper level? Tonglen could be the answer.
Associate attorneys remain responsible for their own compliance with the California Rules of Professional Conduct and must not simply assume the infallibility of their mentors’ determinations where a violation could result.
If you plan to continue working remotely, even part-time, read these tips for at-home success.
SDCBA President Renée N.G. Stackhouse offers advice in response to last month’s poll on civility towards NLD members.
Need guidance on written discovery? Read the takeaways from the NLD’s latest CLE seminar.
Former NLD vice-chair Michael Olinik explains the implications of San Diego County’s latest eviction ordinance.
Ashley Fasano not only represents litigants in employment law matters, but she is also an original founder of USD Law School’s Name and Gender-Marker Change Clinic.