Category: Law Practice

Avoiding Malpractice: Dangers in representing more than one client in the same matter

Avoiding Malpractice: Dangers in representing more than one client in the same matter

By Deborah Wolfe

Lawyers new to the practice of law often are approached by potential clients, including friends and family members, about forming a business entity for more than one client or to represent two individuals in the same automobile accident. The reason usually given is that the clients want to save money by having one lawyer. Sometimes the referral comes from a close friend or family member, where the friend or family member knows and trusts the lawyer. Read More

Tips from the Bench: Hon. Judy S. Bae — “Life is Not About the Destination but the Journey”

Tips from the Bench: Hon. Judy S. Bae — “Life is Not About the Destination but the Journey”

By Robert K. Shawhan
Associate Attorney at Klinedinst PC

From Certain to Uncertain Career Path

Life is not so much about the pre-planned destination but is about the journey that leads us to where we were meant to be all along. The Honorable Judy S. Bae’s legal career path to becoming a lawyer and a judge is a testament to this maxim. Judge Bae grew up in Redlands, California and was raised by two physicians who worked at local teaching hospitals.  As a young Asian American student, talented in the sciences, and with educated and supportive parents, it was almost pre-destined that Judge Bae would follow in her parent’s footsteps and become a physician. Read More

Bags N’ Brunch 2025: A Community Service Event with Lasting Impact

Bags N’ Brunch 2025: A Community Service Event with Lasting Impact

By Claudia Salinas
NLD Chair and Staff Attorney at The Innocence Center

On Saturday, February 8, 2025, the San Diego County Bar Association’s New Lawyer Division (“NLD”) partnered with the San Diego Urban League Young Professionals (“SDULYP) for the second annual Bags N’ Brunch—an inspiring day of community service, connection, and empowerment. This year’s event not only continued a meaningful tradition but also expanded its impact, bringing together volunteers dedicated to making a difference in the lives of individuals experiencing hardship. Read More

For the Record Monthly Column Legal Life: The Trials, Tribulations, and Triumphs of the Everyday Attorney

For the Record Monthly Column Legal Life:
The Trials, Tribulations, and Triumphs of the Everyday Attorney

By Stephanie S. Germani, Esq.
Germani Law

Welcome to “Legal Life: The Trials, Tribulations, and Triumphs of the Everyday Attorney,” a new monthly “For The Record” column. This collaborative effort brings together the voices of our New Lawyer Division members to share the real, unfiltered experiences of life in the legal profession. Read More

Are You a Lawyer? Want to Help and Support Youth Involved in the Child Welfare System? Guess What, You Can!

By Beth Ploesch

Who We Are and What We Do

Children’s Legal Services of San Diego, Inc. (CLS) provides legal representation for youth involved in juvenile dependency cases. CLS is appointed to represent the child by the juvenile court when a social worker files a petition alleging child abuse or neglect. As appointed counsel, the CLS attorneys serve as the attorney and guardian ad litem for the child throughout the dependency case. Typical litigation in the dependency case involves where the child lives, whether the family is getting adequate services, and also the child’s permanent plan, including reunification with family, adoption, or guardianship. In addition to representing children, CLS also represents former foster youth ages 18 to 21 who are participating in Extended Foster Care, a voluntary program to support the youth’s transition to adulthood. CLS currently represents approximately 1,700 youth throughout San Diego County. Read More

Message from the NLD Chair

Message from the NLD Chair

By Elijah Gaglio
Associate Attorney at Lewis Brisbois Bisgaard & Smith LLP

Happy December Everyone:

As we are wrapping up the end of the year, I would be remiss to not reflect on all that we accomplished this year at the San Diego County Bar Association. From moving into our brand-new building, to multiple community service events where we were able to give back to those most in need, and recently swearing in the newest class of attorneys, the SDCBA continues to make strides to be a home for all legal professionals.  Read More