Category: Law+Tech

Law and Tech section articles

Update to Members from SDCBA Executive Director and President re COVID-19 3/20/20

Dear Members,

We are providing an additional update on the SDCBA’s response to the impact of COVID-19. We continue to prioritize the health and safety of our members and staff, while also playing a constructive role in supporting local health officials and government leaders as they work to contain the virus and protect our community as a whole.

#TechTuesday | Setting Default Font and Paragraph Spacing in Microsoft Word (Video)

It’s #TechTuesday! Today we are sharing another video tip in our new series titled “Tech Tip in a Tenth“. These are short, targeted, and practical videos approximately 6 minutes in length, because, as Technology Committee Member, David Majchrzak said, “Who can’t spare a point one!?” Read More