By Taneashia Morrell
As my tenure as Chair of SDCBA’s DEI Division comes to an end, I want to take a moment to reflect on my journey over the past twelve months and to express my gratitude for the trust and support that has been extended to me throughout this time.
It has been an honor and a privilege to serve alongside dedicated members. Together, we have expanded our Exchange on Equity and Dialogue on Diversity roundtables, strengthened cross-community collaborations, and enhanced the DEI Division’s mission. These accomplishments would not have been possible without the passion, collaboration, and commitment of our dedicated members. Although the DEI Division is only in its Sophomore year, we have successfully tackled many DEI issues vexing the San Diego legal community. I’d like to highlight several success stories from this year:
(1) CLE Transgendered Rights in 2024. In March 2024, esteemed speakers Jessie McGrath and Mia Yamamoto shared their wisdom on the pressing legislative endeavors that seek to deprive transgendered individuals of their rights—the right to receive gender-affirming care and to live true to their chosen identity. This event was among our most attended, a testament to its importance. Further, we collaborated with several community allies: Earl B. Gilliam Bar Association, Tom Homann LGBTQ+ Law Association, California Appellate Defense Counsel-San Diego Chapter, Iranian American Bar Association, Lawyers Club of San Diego, Law Office of Elliot Kanter, Legal Aid Society of San Diego, Inc. / Health Consumer Alliance, National Lawyers Guild at California Western School of Law, Native American Lawyers Association of San Diego County, Office of the San Diego City Attorney, San Diego Chapter of the National Lawyers Guild, San Diego FBA, San Diego Volunteer Lawyer Program, SDCBA Intellectual Property Section, SDCBA Labor & Employment Law Section, SDCBA Law and Medicine Section, SDCBA New Lawyer Division, and South Asian Bar Association of San Diego.
(2) Making US Airlines Financially Liable For Wheelchair Damages. In May 2024, the Disabilities Justice Group sent a letter to PPAC requesting SDCBA write a letter in support of the Biden administration’s proposal to fine US airlines for damaging or misplacing wheelchairs or delaying their return to passengers. Over 11,389 devices were mishandled by airlines in 2023, up from 10,337 in 2022. SDCBA President, Stacey Kartchner, submitted the Disabilities Justice Group’s letter to the Biden administration, on behalf of SDCBA. The public had 60 days to comment on the new policy ensuring airline passengers who use wheelchairs can travel safely and with dignity. October 2024, American Airlines was the first US airline company to be fined $50 MILLION for failing to provide wheelchair assistance to passengers with disabilities and damaging thousands of wheelchairs over a five-year period.
(3) Correction of DEI Data in San Diego Lawyer Magazine. In May 2024, the Disabilities Justice Group sent a letter to SD Lawyer requesting a correction of demographic data in the article “Diversity and the San Diego Judiciary,” which appeared in the magazine’s January/February edition. The article included vital data on demographics related to race, gender, and sexual orientation. However, the article did not completely reflect the demographic data collected by the Judicial Council of California, cited as the source of the data. For example, disability data, as well as nonbinary, multiracial, and veteran status was not published in the article, although easily available. By not including this data in the article, the current composition of the judicial legal community was not accurately reflected. In August 2024, SD Lawyer issued the correction to the article: https://issuu.com/sdcba/docs/san_diego_lawyer_july-august_2024-issuu/42
(4) DEI Division/THLA Collaboration re: Transgender Rights and Name Changes. In November 2024, the DEI Division in collaboration with Tom Homann LGBTQ+ Law Association sent a letter to San Diego Superior Court requesting the Court consider adoption of an administrative policy that would give priority to name and gender change petitions for an already marginalized community. Beginning mid-January 2025, anticipated new policies at the federal level may restrict or severely hinder transgender individuals from obtaining a valid passport, state driver’s license, or identification card that recognizes their correct gender. This matter is currently pending with the San Diego Superior Court.
As you can see from the foregoing, the DEI DIVISION has made meaningful contributions to its mission and has laid a foundation for its continued growth and success.
As I step away from this role, I am thrilled to pass the baton to Maria Chavez and her EXCOMM:
Incoming EXCOMM:
- Maria Chavez, Chair
- Meg Moore, Vice Chair of Outreach
- Desiree Sanders, Vice Chair of Programs & Events
- Ted Holmquist, Member At Large
- Linda Keller, Member At Large
- Austin Lucas, Member At Large
- Ko Sharif, Member At Large
I have every confidence in their ability to lead with vision and integrity. I am also excited about the continued journey of the DEI DIVISION under their stewardship. While my role may be changing, my commitment to the DEI DIVISION remains unwavering. As an incoming SDCBA Board Director, I look forward to supporting the DEI DIVISION in new ways and seeing the incredible work the DEI DIVISION will undoubtedly achieve in the future.
I would be remiss if I did not give a special shoutout to Sarah Harris and Ashley Turner, whose assistance and dedication has been invaluable. Your contributions over the years have made a lasting impact on our Division and its future leadership.
Once again, I am thankful for the opportunity to serve as Chair. I will always cherish this chapter of my professional journey and the relationships built along the way.
With deepest gratitude and best wishes,
Taneashia R. Morrell, Immediate-Past Chair
BIO: Taneashia R. Morrell is a senior contracts and licensing associate at the Salk Institute. She is an incoming SDCBA Board Director, Immediate-Past President of Earl B. Gilliam Bar Association, and member of Delta Sigma Theta Sorority, Inc.