By Lori Bessler
Gradually increasing your exhalation until it is about twice the length of your inhalation, relaxes the nervous system and is a quick, simple exercise that can be done anywhere. Even just a minute or two of an elongated exhale breathing exercise can slow the heart rate, relax muscles, reduce anxiety, and promote calming of the nervous system. Use this technique when you’re stressed out, in fight or flight mode, or anytime you want a quick mental reset.
Begin by finding a comfortable seated position or lay down resting on your back. Close your eyes and place one palm on your belly. Taking a few breaths in and out through the nose, feel the belly expand as you inhale and contract as you exhale. Let your breath be smooth and relaxed. Inhale filling the belly like a balloon, and exhale slowly, gradually elongating the exhale a few beats longer than the inhale. Feel free to count your inhalations and exhalations if that helps. For example, inhaling to the count of 4 and exhaling to the count of 6 or even up to 8. Or, skip the counting and let yourself experience the felt sense of the longer exhalations. Repeat for 1 to 5 minutes.
When you feel complete, finish off with a few natural, relaxed breaths. Open your eyes and move forward with your day in a more relaxed, refreshed, restorative state!