You receive a condemnation notice from a government agency, or a relocation agent contacts you with interest in your property. An appraisal or assessment of your property is scheduled, or you receive an offer. Now what do you do?
You will want to contact an attorney with expertise in eminent domain.
The agency may give you an offer for your property, and you want to make sure the offer qualifies under current laws. Technically, condemnation means a state can take private property for its use without the consent of the property owner as long as it is a project for “public purpose.”
If you receive a condemnation notice, you also want to receive fair compensation for your property. Your attorney can work on your behalf to ensure you receive the highest value from your condemned property. The agency condemning the property may also have an in-house team or third party to assess the property, but as the property owner you can arrange your own assessment as well.
If you and the agency cannot settle on an acceptable offer/price or agreeable terms, then the condemnation may need to go to trial, at which time, you will want to be sure that you have a condemnation attorney representing your best interests.
Find a Condemnation Attorney in San Diego
The Lawyer Referral and Information Service (LRIS) can refer you to a condemnation lawyer in San Diego. Our bilingual staff can be reached at (619) 231-8585, through online chat, or with the online referral request form.