**If you are in danger right now, then you should call “911” for assistance.**

When you feel that someone is dangerous enough to cause you harm, then you may need to ask for a restraining order. This is a court order that provides protection for people who have experienced abuse or have been threatened with abuse.
To ask the court for a restraining order, you need to fill out the appropriate forms. Civil litigation attorneys can fill out the forms on your behalf, ensuring that you provide all of the information necessary for efficient processing. There may also be forms from your local court that need to be completed.
If you decide to fill out the forms on your own, then it is highly recommended that you have a civil lawyer review them before you go to the court clerk. This will ensure that you provide the correct information and that you are not providing the restrained person with information you do not want them to know, such as the address where you are staying.
Once you fill out all of the required paperwork, then you need to file the forms with the court. Take your forms to the court clerk, and ask the clerk when you should return to find out the judge’s decision. The judge may ask to talk with you in person or request more information in writing, but he or she must make a decision by the next business day.
Find a Civil Litigation Attorney
Asking for a restraining order can be a complicated process with strict policies and guidelines that you must follow. The Lawyer Referral and Information Service (LRIS) of San Diego County can refer you to a civil litigation lawyer who can help you get the results you need to feel safe and secure.