Conservatorship cases are gaining access to something they have needed for a while: interpreters.
This year, the California Judicial Council approved a Language Access Plan to extend free interpretation services to all civil and criminal cases by 2017. Previously, free interpreters were only available in criminal cases.
Individuals involved in conservatorship cases, as well as all civil litigation, can look forward to qualified interpreters who will clarify court proceedings in native languages that are familiar and easy to understand. This not only improves the experience for court users in California, but also for the judges who preside over the proceedings.
However, due to cuts in court funding, this massive change is not expected to happen quickly. “The state has about seven million residents with limited English proficiency who speak over 200 languages,” says a recent report. On top of that, California is home to the nation’s largest court system.
In the meantime, if you are part of a conservatorship lawsuit and require interpreter services, then we recommend finding a conservatorship lawyer who can provide interpretation during the civil case.
Otherwise, non-English speaking individuals can be subject to poor translation from family and friends, and even the attorneys of the opposing side.
Finding Interpretation Help in Civil Conservatorship Cases
The Lawyer Referral and Information Service (LRIS) in San Diego County provides referrals to conservatorship attorneys who may be able to assist with interpretation. To get a referral, please contact the LRIS at (619) 231-8585, start an online chat, or submit an online referral form.