Message from the Board

Message from the Board

By Varun Sabharwal, Esq.
NLD Member at Large and Of Counsel at Dinsmore & Shohl LLP

Hello. Greetings. Salutations.

My name is Varun Sabharwal. I’m a former public defender recently turned civil defense attorney, and a Member at Large for the San Diego County Bar Association’s New Lawyer Division. It is very nice to meet your epistolary acquaintance, and report on the upcoming events for our Spring season. 

I often get asked, “why did you transition from criminal law to civil?” Well, it was for a variety of reasons. But as someone who has practiced in both fields, I can tell you that each comes with its own benefits and drawbacks. It’s hard to describe the immense adrenaline that comes with practicing criminal law. Contrast that with civil law, which is its own subtle beast, where most of the battle happens through written and oral discovery before you ever get to a jury. All of this is to say, do what matters to you. What feels right at whichever moment in time you happen to be at. The beauty of our profession is its versatility—and when you’re new and up and coming, knowing what life is like on the other side is an invaluable experience. 

In my first year as a Member at Large, I aspire to work together with our team here at the NLD to bring you more CLE opportunities and community engagement. In this issue of For the Record, you’ll find a recap of one of the SDCBA’s recent CLE events, a spotlight on National Criminal Justice Month, the second installment of our new column, “Legal Life: The Trials, Tribulations, and Triumphs of the Everyday Attorney,” and an article from our Ethics Committee on the continued misuse of generative AI in the legal field.

We have a great event coming up next month. Please join us at Pechanga Arena for “An Evening at the Gulls” on April 16, 2025 from 7:00PM-8:00 PM. It’s an evening of sporting enthusiasm and casual networking. It’s also the end of the hockey season! This event is always successful and we hope to make it memorable this year as well! Find out more information here.

Hope to meet you all in person at one of our upcoming events this year!

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