Message from the Chair of the New Lawyer Division

Greetings NLD!
We have a lot of congratulating and celebrating to do this week! First, huge congratulations to our newest bar passers! You did it! For those of you who did not pass, don’t forget this is literally the hardest bar exam in the country, and you are not alone. For anyone wanting bar prep pro tips (first time or repeat takers), I am always happy to share some tried and tested pro tips and/or give pep talks along the way. Don’t hesitate to reach out by emailing me at stephanie.atkinson@bipc.com, or find me on LinkedIn and we’ll set up a call!
On the NLD front, more congratulations are in order for NLD’s 2022 Executive Committee! Congratulations to Elijah Gaglio, Heather Daiza, and Hannah Theophil for being the newest elected members of NLD’s Executive Committee! And a special congratulations to Stephanie Pengilley, NLD’s 2022 Vice Chair and 2023 Chair! NLD is going to be in great hands between these fantastic elects, alongside next year’s Chair, Jake Zindulka, and NLD’s returning For the Record Editor in Chief, Sara Gold. If you are interested in getting involved as a subcommittee member next year, please reach out to Jake at jakezindulka@outlook.com.
The year is not over yet though, so I hope you will all join us tonight for our Thanksgiving Potluck & Cooking Contest. Bring your favorite home-cooked Thanksgiving dish and submit it for our contest. Even if you can’t bring a dish, all are welcome to join us. Be ready for some good eating and friendly networking! Let’s be thankful, share, and celebrate all the good things in our lives! AND SDCBA’s Lawyer Referral & Information Service (LRIS) is sponsoring beer and wine! Register here.
We would also love to see you on December 10 for the SDCBA’s annual Stepping Up to the Bar celebration in the US Grant Presidential Ballroom where we will install your 2022 SDCBA Board of Directors and hear from incoming President David Majchrzak. Enjoy heavy appetizers, a candy buffet, live DJ, and best of all, being back together by registering (for FREE) here!
Last, but certainly not least, NLD has “adopted” five children through the Salvation Army Angel Tree program, which helps provide Christmas gifts for hundreds of thousands of children whose families are in crisis and otherwise would not have the resources to celebrate Christmas. This year, with the help of our members, NLD will be collecting toys and clothes to help bring the joy of Christmas morning to these five children. If you are interested in contributing, keep an eye out for a Holiday Gift Registry list and sign-up sheet that were circulated through NLD’s listserv and on NLD’s social media, or reach out to Stephanie Pengilley directly at stephanie.pengilley1@gmail.com.
As always, please feel free to reach out to us directly if you have any questions or suggestions for NLD.
Stephanie Atkinson