Hi NLDers,
Can you believe we have made it to June!? It’s officially summer! Although the sun is shining and the beaches have reopened, I hope you are all enjoying our beautiful city safely. Remember to social distance and wear a mask whenever you are out in public. To that end, and in order to keep our members safe, we are going to continue our meet ups and programs virtually for the time being. I know, I know, the last thing you want is another Zoom meeting … but we don’t have just any Zoom meetings, we have cool Zoom meetings! (Mean Girls reference any one?)
Coming up next on our events agenda: TRIVIA NIGHT! NLD has teamed up with Sunset Trivia to host a Zoom Trivia night. Mark your calendars for June 26, 2020 from 5 p.m.-7 p.m.! There will be two rounds of trivia – the first from 5 p.m.-6 p.m. and the second from 6 p.m.-7 p.m. Join for one or join for both, we’re just excited to see you!
Registration for trivia can be found here.
Trivia not your thing? NLD has got you covered. This month we are giving back to our community in any way we can though our amazing #NLDGIVES drive. Participation is easy: simply decide how you would like to give back to the San Diego community, take a picture, and post to Facebook or Instagram using the hashtag #NLDGIVES. Our Executive Committee will search the hashtag and highlight different members on our Facebook page!
This month, I’ve decided to give back by donating to three different charities honoring Pride month, the Black Lives Matter movement, and COVID-19 relief:
- The Trevor Project: a non-profit organization that focuses on suicide prevention efforts among LGBTQ youth.
- Black Futures Lab: a non-profit organization that works with Black people to transform Black communities, build Black political power, and change the way that power operates – locally, statewide, and nationally.
- No Kid Hungry: a non-profit organization working to end hunger for children across the nation. Due to COVID-19, children who would normally receive lunches at school – sometimes their only meal of the day – no longer have access due to the nation-wide shut down.
Got an idea for a virtual meet up or program? We’d love to hear from you! We’re on the lookout for creative ways we can come together as a community safely. Please send your ideas to either Stephanie Atkinson (steph.m.atkinson [at] gmail.com) or me (sandlerstephanie [at] gmail.com). Who knows, next month’s meetup theme could be thanks to you!
As always, the SDCBA and NLD are here for you. Make sure you’re following NLD on Facebook (formerly New Lawyers Forum)! You can always find the latest and greatest about what the Bar is offering there.
Stephanie Sandler
Sandler Law