By Stephanie A. Sandler
Sandler Law
Hi NLDers,
Ah, July … my favorite month of the year. Not only are we over half way through the longest year in recorded history, it’s also my birthday month. Although my birthday celebrations are going to look a bit different this year, I think this is the perfect year to host a “Floor is Lava” themed party in my living room. (Yes, I am still watching a ton of Netflix, and if you haven’t seen Floor is Lava … it is Netflix GOLD.)
This month is also special because we have many new attorneys who have been sworn in and are joining our ranks! From all of us at NLD, we send each of you a huge CONGRATULATIONS! To those who were able to make it to SDCBA’s virtual celebration earlier this month, it was an honor speaking to you and I look forward to the day when I can congratulate you in person.
Until then, I hope to see your faces via Zoom at the many virtual events the SDCBA has planned this month. Most importantly, NEXT WEEK the SDCBA is hosting a week-long celebration for our members in a virtual conference called MEMBO! Member Benefit Expo & Appreciation Fest from July 20 – July 24, which will feature so many fun and informational online events. Think of it as a virtual carnival! Some of the events include:
- Monday, July 20 from 5 p.m.–6:30 p.m.: Members-only virtual Culinary Session with Celebrity Chef Josh Capon – moderated by sponsor/host Tony Vitale of Faster Law (hosted by Faster Law)
- Tuesday, July 21 from 5 p.m.-6:30 p.m.: TRIVIA NIGHT! (hosted by NLD)
- Wednesday, July 22 from 5 p.m.-6:30 p.m.: Members-only virtual musical performance with Jeff Lewis, a contestant from The Voice.
- Thursday, July 23 from 5 p.m.-6:30 p.m.: MEMBO! Bingo with prizes! (hosted by LawPay)
- Friday, July 24 from 5 p.m.-6:30 p.m.: Opportunity drawing and prize winner announcements!
Registration and a list of all member benefits presentations and events for MEMBO! can be found here.
Got an idea for a virtual meet up or program? We’d love to hear from you! We’re on the lookout for creative ways we can come together as a community safely. Please send your ideas to either Stephanie Atkinson (steph.m.atkinson [at] gmail.com) or me (ssandler [at] thesandlerfirm.com). Who knows, next month’s meetup theme could be thanks to you!
As always, SDCBA and NLD are here for you. Make sure you’re following NLD on Facebook (formerly New Lawyers Forum)! You can always find the latest and greatest about what the Bar is offering there.
Best, Stephanie Sandler