By Stephanie A. Sandler
Sandler Law
Hi NLDers,
I hope you’re having a wonderful September! I know 2020 hasn’t been the greatest year for a lot of us, but at least pumpkin spice lattes are back! I love the fall season, even when it doesn’t feel like fall quite yet. Just the idea that soon there will be pumpkin decorations and apple crumbles makes me feel happy. Now, if only I wasn’t sweating under this chunky sweater …
I want to say a huge THANK YOU to all of our members who attended our Transitioning from Pandemic to Practice panel! Our very own NLD Executive Committee member, Stephanie Atkinson was a panelist, and she did a fantastic job. If you have any follow-up questions about how to get hired mid-pandemic, feel free to reach out to her. She’d love to answer your questions.
Speaking of Stephanie … NLD is thrilled to announce that Stephanie Atkinson has been promoted to NLD’s Vice Chair for 2020 and will serve as YOUR 2021 NLD Chair! Yay!! Stephanie will be an amazing Chair next year. She has big ideas coming down the pipeline for next year, so stay tuned!
In fact, if YOU would like to help lead NLD next year, you’re in luck. TODAY is the LAST DAY to self-nominate for a position on NLD’s Executive Committee for 2021. As a former volunteer, member at large, and now your Chair, I cannot recommend self-nominating enough. You get to be on the ground floor for coming up with ideas, activities, and programming for the upcoming year. Being on the Executive Committee looks great on a resume and is a lot of fun. If you have any questions about self-nominating or the job responsibilities, please feel free to email me or any of our current Executive Committee members.
Not sure you’re ready to commit to being a part of our Executive Committee, but still want to be involved? No problem! We’d love to hear from you! We’re on the lookout for creative ways we can come together as a community safely. Please send your ideas to either Stephanie Atkinson (steph.m.atkinson [at] gmail.com) or me (ssandler [at] thesandlerfirm.com). Who knows, next month’s meetup theme could be thanks to you!
As always, the SDCBA and NLD are here for you. Make sure you’re following NLD on Facebook (formerly New Lawyers Forum)! You can always find the latest and greatest about what the Bar is offering there.
Stephanie Sandler