Message from the Chair of the NLD

Happy New Year NLD Members!
Stephanie Pengilley here, NLD’s Chair for the 2023 year. I am excited for what this year holds and the events that are to come. Last year, NLD coordinated several engaging events and received the SDCBA’s Section Recognition and Achievement certificate for Variety of Activities. As Chair, I hope to continue NLD’s accomplishments of putting on intriguing and thoughtful events.
December ended with a bang. First, NLD coordinated a blanket drive for the homeless in collaboration with PATH led by Vice Chair, Elijah Gaglio. We received over 200 donated blankets for the homeless.
Second, we handed out our first For the Record Certificates of Achievements. In December, NLD members voted on the best article related to the law and the best article related to the lawyer experience. It is with great pleasure that I get to officially announce our winners. Claudia Salinas won the category for best article related to the law and Matthew Spolsky won the category for best article related to the lawyer experience. Thank you to all authors last year who contributed their time toward For the Record.
If you are interested having your writing featured in the next For the Record edition, please reach out to Matthew Spolsky or Linda Nelte our newly appointed co-editors in chief. Mspolsky@fwhb.com and linda.nelte@mmpph.com.
Mark your calendars for SDCBA’s Welcome Reception for Law Students and Newly Admitted Attorneys on January 25 at 5:30 p.m. You can register for the event here. NLD will be hosting a table so please stop by and say hi!
NLD’s first official event will be in February starting off with our court practice series. Be on the lookout for more information. This year, NLD will be partnering with other associations and groups to bring you a variety of events.
Interested in more CLE’s or other events? Check out the SDCBA’s calendar here.
As we head into the new year, I am optimistic as to what this year holds in both my career goals and personal goals. It is a perfect time to make new year resolutions. If you have any questions or need someone to talk to about career advice, please feel free to contact me at stephanie.pengilley1@gmail.com.