Message From the Co-Editor-in-Chief

As Co-Editor-in-Chief of the New Lawyer Division (“NLD”) monthly newsletter, For the Record, I wanted to thank each of our readers for their continued support. I also want to thank the NLD members who have contributed their time and effort this year toward writing informative articles for the benefit of new lawyers. In the current For the Record you will find an NLD Member Spotlight article featuring Regina (Calvario) Dryjanski by Lillian Glenister, an NLD Event Recap by Elijah Gaglio, and Ethical Considerations When Using an Online Referral Service by Alara Chilton.
If you are interested in contributing to For the Record, please feel free to reach out to myself or Linda Nelte (Co-Editor-in-Chief) by clicking here. If you have your own topic to write on, or need one, we would be happy to help include you in an upcoming edition of For the Record!
NLD has been busy this summer! On August 31, 2023, NLD hosted its first Annual Meeting to discuss with NLD Members how the NLD can best meet the needs of new lawyers and law students in the community. The NLD executive committee is currently discussing how it can incorporate more law student involvement in the future, so stay tuned! And on September 6, 2023, NLD held a Mentorship Mixer at the SDCBA Center where law students and new lawyers had the opportunity to connect with experienced attorneys and discuss lawyering in San Diego. If you missed out on these past NLD events, NLD will host a trivia night that will take place in October – be on the lookout for more details to come soon!
Finally, if you would like to get more involved with NLD you can apply to become a subdivision member and provide support to NLD’s Executive Committee. NLD accepts new subdivision members on a rolling basis and the application can be found here. There are several subdivisions you can join, including For the Record, Social Events, Legal Education, Community Outreach, and Marketing. Click here for a detailed description of each subdivision.
Thank you again for taking the time to read For the Record and we hope to see you at the next NLD event!