Message from the NLD Board

July brought the sun to San Diego and the New Lawyer Division was ready to welcome it. The NLD co-hosted the annual Summer Social, a San Diego County Bar Association signature event. On July 12, attorneys across San Diego gathered at the Waterfront Park in downtown to enjoy “Una Notte d’Estate” or “One Summer Night.” The event was Italian-themed, and the food, drink, décor, and games charmingly evoked the Mediterranean. The NLD had a booth at the Summer Social, answered questions about membership and activities, and gave herb plantings as party favors.
Later that week, members of the New Lawyer Division joined the SDCBA in the San Diego Pride Festival Parade Walk. NLD Chair Stephanie Pengilley and I held an NLD banner while NLD and other Bar Association members waived Pride Flags and handed out SDCBA swag stating, “Find a Lawyer with Pride.”

The NLD will host a Court Practice Series event on August 10, where Hon. Alexander M. Calero, Judge in the Juvenile Dependency Court and former Chair of the NLD, will host a discussion about his experience on the bench and provide practical insight on successful legal practice. From 12:00 – 1:00 p.m., this event will be offered online through Zoom and in-person at the San Diego County Bar Association. Lunch will be provided for in-person attendees, and the first 20 people to arrive will have the opportunity to meet Judge Calero. Click here to register.
Lastly, please be on the lookout for future NLD events, including an upcoming trivia night to be held in the fall, and feel free to contact the NLD to participate in planning or attending future events. We can be found here: New Lawyer Division (sdcba.org)
From Hannah Theophil, NLD Member at Large