Message from the NLD Chair

Hello Members,
Feeling a little gloomy? I know I am! Unfortunately, May Gray was all too real, and June Gloom is staying true to its name. “Sunny” San Diego did not have one clear day in May, according to data from the National Weather Service, and it appears June will trend gloomy as well. So if you are feeling a little down, I encourage you to set an intention to do something that brings you joy. Whether that’s going to the beach, hanging out with a friend, going on a hike or trying something new, get out and do something lift your mood. If you’re not sure what to do check out the SDCBA’s Wellness Wednesday.
I also want to congratulate our newest bar admittees. This is an amazing feat, and you should be very proud of yourself. If you are interested in getting more involved with the New Lawyer Division, a great way to get involved is by becoming a subdivision member for one or more of our five sections: (1) For the Record (a monthly e-newsletter); (2) Social Events; (3) Legal Education; (4) Community Outreach; and (5) Marketing. This is a great way to contribute and learn more about NLD Leadership.
To learn more about each section and how apply to become a subdivision member, click here. The application process is short and the NLD accepts applications year-round. If you have any questions, please reach out to the NLD’s Vice Chair Elijah Gaglio(etgaglio@gmail.com).
Come join the NLD for its upcoming events. On June 20, 2023, the NLD has partnered San Diego Volunteer Lawyer Program, Inc., NAACP’s San Diego branch, County of San Diego Black Chamber of Commerce, National Pan-Hellenic Council, Inc. of San Diego, Urban League of San Diego County, New Lawyer Division of the The San Diego County Bar Association, Wilson Sonsini Goodrich & Rosati and Omega Psi Phi Fraternity, Inc. for the 2nd annual black business empowerment legal clinic. If you are interested in volunteering please reach out directly with questions, or sign up here.
On July 12, 2023, NLD will hold its annual summer social. We will return to the waterfront for outside fun, music and entertainment. Please join us and feel free to leave your suit at home. NLD will also be walking in the Pride parade in July, all members are welcome to participate! In August we will hold another Court Practice Series, keep your eye out for more materials.
Lastly, I want to take a moment to recap our past events. Last month NLD joined the workers compensation committee to Introduce New Lawyers to Workers Comp. It was extremely helpful to hear from experienced worker’s compensation attorneys about how to get a job in the field and how it overlaps with other areas of civil litigation. In addition, NLD recently partnered with the San Diego Urban League Young Professionals for its 2nd Bags n Brunch. The organizations collected donated hygiene items, them assembled bags to donate to the homeless community. It was then followed by a non-hosted brunch to network with other young professionals. Shout out to Claudia Salinas for coordinating this amazing event!
Interested in more CLE’s or other events? Check out the SDCBA’s calendar here. As always, if you have any questions about the SDCBA, membership or how to get more involved, feel free to reach out to me. sp@caconsumerlaw.com