Message from the NLD Chair

Associate Attorney at Lewis Brisbois Bisgaard & Smith LLP
Happy December Everyone:
As we are wrapping up the end of the year, I would be remiss to not reflect on all that we accomplished this year at the San Diego County Bar Association. From moving into our brand-new building, to multiple community service events where we were able to give back to those most in need, and recently swearing in the newest class of attorneys, the SDCBA continues to make strides to be a home for all legal professionals.
My time as the Chair of the New Lawyer Division has made me grow as an attorney and has taught me so many lessons. I learned that the central tenant for any organization to make a meaningful impact is to engage and inspire its members to make an impact on those around them. Everyone I worked with at the SDCBA is dedicated to giving back to our community and helping those most in need. We have such incredible leaders at the SDCBA who are so excited to make an impact including New Lawyer Division’s future Chair Claudia Salina. Claudia is a Staff Attorney at The Innocent Center dedicated to helping those who have been wrongfully convicted. Through her work she has helped countless people and families. I know she is going to bring that same passion and energy as she takes the helm of NLD.
This year’s Executive Committee has also worked tremendously hard to put on events that have made meaningful connections for both new and more seasoned lawyers. A huge thank you to Lillian Glenister (next year’s Vice Chair), Dani Sali Glazer Signaigo, Matthew Spolsky, Catharine McGlynn, Shubhra Sharma, and Linda Nelte. Your commitment to this organization was invaluable.
As we close out the year it is easy to get lost in hustle and bustle of the holiday season. I hope everyone takes some time this season to spend time with the ones we love the most and to reflect what you have accomplished this year. It has been a pleasure serving as this year’s Chair and I am excited for the future of NLD and SDCBA.
**If you would like to get more involved with NLD next year, we are always looking for subdivision members to help coordinate events. It is a great way to get started and learn more about NLD.