Message from the Vice Chair

Greeting NLD Members,
Stephanie Pengilley here, your vice chair. I am looking forward to becoming the division’s chair in just a few short months. This year NLD has put on many successful and educational events. September was not short of events. Early in the month NLD hosted a speed networking event, where members were able to network with senior attorneys. At the end of the month, NLD co-sponsored a “Pathways to Careers in Criminal Law” panel with the Criminal Law Section. Speakers presented several opportunities on how to obtain jobs the criminal law field. By collaborating with other sections NLD has been able to offer more events to its members this year.
This month for the second year in a row, NLD will be collaborating with USD School of Law Transgender Name and Gender Marker Change Clinic. USD School of Law Transgender Name and Gender Marker Change Clinic. The program, which recently celebrated assisting their 500th client since its inception in 2018, is a collaboration between USD Pride Law and the San Diego LGBT Community Center. The clinic provides legal assistance to transgender and non-binary individuals seeking name and gender marker changes through our local San Diego courts. Volunteer attorneys, along with USD Law students, will assist eligible clients by explaining the petition and providing guidance regarding the name and gender marker change process.
We will be wrapping up the end of the year with another chance to get involved with community service by participating in our blanket donation collection, and another chance to get together to celebrate the holidays. Be on the lookout for more details regarding our ugly sweater meet up and the blanket donation.
The current For the Record edition features information on exoneration law and post-conviction proceedings, insight on LLM degrees, and tips on the tax implications of settlements. Mark Simpliciano, attorney at Garcia Hong Law, is this month’s NLD Member Spotlight.
Interested in more CLE’s or other events check out the SDCBA’s calendar here: https://www.sdcba.org/?pg=events&evAction=listAll&evResetCat=1.
As always, if you have any questions or need someone to talk about career advice, please feel free to contact me at stephanie.pengilley1@gmail.com.