By Marta Manus
“Either you run the day or the day runs you.”
Just as we schedule time to work on projects, attend meetings, and have conference calls, it is important to schedule time for our physical and emotional well-being.
Making physical and emotional well-being a priority helps to effectively handle the demands of the legal profession, a profession known for high conflict and stress. Prioritizing physical and emotional well-being increases cognitive functioning and the ability to focus. It also improves work quality, and boosts productivity. One of the most effective ways to prioritize your well-being is by having a morning routine that sets you up for success.
The way you start your day sets the tone for the entire day. Each morning you have a choice, you can choose to set yourself up for stress or you can set yourself up for success. If you can master your morning, you can create change in any area of your life that you want to improve. Change requires you to act deliberately. Automatically checking work emails first thing in the morning or worrying about your never-ending to-do list, unknowingly puts you at a disadvantage.
A morning routine that incorporates time for well-being, including some physical movement, sets you up for success, and it doesn’t require you to commit to a 30-minute HIIT workout or hour-long spin class. It can be something as simple as going for a 10-minute walk or sitting in the morning sun while drinking your coffee. Getting some sun first thing in the morning has been shown to naturally awaken and energize the mind and body.
You may also choose to read something for pleasure for 10-minutes, list three things you’re grateful for each morning in a journal, or stretch your body for a few minutes. The important thing is to consciously engage in a morning routine before jumping into work-mode. In doing so, you will bring your best self to each day and make your well-being a priority.
Tonight, before going to bed, take five minutes to create a morning routine that you’d like to implement. The simple step of taking control of your mornings will give you a much more positive outlook on the day and the confidence to create change in any area of your life.
Marta Manus is a Labor and Employment attorney at Cohelan Khoury & Singer specializing in wage and hour class action law. She is also a certified professional coach working with attorneys to identify and move beyond burnout to thrive in work and life.
Good advice Marta! Thank you for writing and sharing these healthy tips with all of us.
Well said and so relevant. I’m going to try this for tomorrow!
This is such a nice article. Thanks Ms. Manus!!