Mindful Minute — From Burnout to Balance: Working in Alignment with Your Core Values

By: Marta Manus

There is no such thing as work/life balance. We must create balance within. In our fast-paced world, the way we manage our actions, time, and energy profoundly impacts our sense of balance. Every action we take—whether deliberate or unintentional—can either contribute to a balanced life or lead us further away from it. The further away we get from balance, the more likely we are to burnout. Burnout is partly caused by an imbalance in our energetic state of being, experienced by feelings of extreme overwhelm, exhaustion, and disillusionment. When we go through our days working on things that are misaligned with our core values, we can fall out of the inner balance. Balancing life requires more than just checking off tasks; it involves a conscious effort to align actions with our values and goals. 

Unintentional actions often trick us into prioritizing easy, low-impact tasks. This phenomenon, sometimes referred to as “busyness,” occurs when we fill our days with activities that offer immediate gratification but fail to advance our long-term goals. For instance, spending excessive time on minor administrative tasks can create a false sense of productivity, overshadowing more significant work that propels us forward. Without intentional planning, our days can become a series of hurried actions that leave us feeling unfulfilled and out of balance.

To avoid this pitfall, it is crucial to plan our days with intention and take charge of our schedule. By proactively planning our day, we can allocate time for both urgent tasks and long-term goals, ensuring that our actions align with our desired outcomes. This strategy not only helps with managing daily responsibilities but also in achieving a sense of control and balance in our lives.

Just as we budget our money to ensure we can meet our needs and save for the future, we must budget our time and energy to avoid burnout. Most people lament that they do not have enough time, but often, the real issue is a lack of planning. Effective time and energy management requires us to define how we want to spend our time based on our priorities and values. Without a clear plan and intentional action, it is easy to waste our time and energy and find ourselves on the road to burnout. 

Turning our values into time involves a deliberate process of translating our core principles into actionable steps. Values represent the attributes of the person we aspire to become. For instance, if one of your core values is personal growth, you will want to allocate time for activities that foster learning and development, such as reading, attending workshops, or engaging in meaningful projects. By aligning your schedule with your values, you ensure that your actions reflect who you want to be and contribute to a balanced and fulfilling life. Defining your values is the first step in this transformative process. Identify what truly matters to you and how you want to live your life. By planning our days intentionally and aligning our actions with our values, we can manage our time and energy more effectively. Through this mindful approach, we can create a life that is not only balanced but also deeply fulfilling.

Marta Manus is an Employment Law attorney with Cohelan Khoury & Singer. After experiencing burnout, Marta became a certified Leadership Coach to help people gain clarity and confidence to define success on their terms, avoid burnout, and create a meaningful and purpose-driven life and career.