By Marta Manus
If there is one word to encapsulate the year 2020, I think we could all agree that “unprecedented” is a top contender. Loss and disruption are two other words that come to mind. 2020 was a year unlike any other. In the midst of struggle and uncertainty, there is the greatest opportunity for change. Human beings are biologically wired to seek certainty, security, and to live in community. 2020 was the year that thrust us all into involuntary change and survival mode. When the world as we know it is stripped away and each day brings a new challenge, we are presented with the opportunity to decide who we really want to be and how we want to spend our time. The greatest challenges often bring the most clarity.
Even before the pandemic, workplace burnout was prevalent and largely accepted as part of the legal profession. Burnout has gotten a hold of us more than ever due to the pandemic. In the midst of the pandemic, we have had to pivot and reprioritize while continuing to serve our clients, take care of ourselves and loved ones, and stay healthy. Many colleagues have expressed a sense of survivor’s guilt because the nature of our profession has allowed the majority of lawyers to continue to work when millions are unemployed and struggling. Survivor’s guilt can compound symptoms of burnout, which include exhaustion, energy depletion, overwhelm, disconnection, and a feeling like you’re never doing enough even while running yourself into the ground. Not surprisingly, post-pandemic burnout rates have sharply increased, which is likely due in part to feeling disconnected. One of the most effective ways to alleviate burnout is to connect with others. Connection is the key to getting us through this unprecedented year without ending up completely burned out.
The pandemic has been a catalyst for transformation and growth. I have always felt incredibly privileged to be a part of the legal profession, but 2020 revealed to me just how privileged I am. The pandemic allowed me to slow down and reevaluate who I want to be and how I want to work and to reconnect with myself. When we are forced to stop distracting ourselves with our busyness and never-ending to-do lists, we are given the opportunity to go inward and reflect on our core values and beliefs. This year, I resigned from two jobs. I learned that quitting is for winners. 2020 taught me when to quit, when to change direction, when to demand more from life, and when to move on from something that isn’t working. It taught me to quit doing things that drain my energy and make me dread getting out of bed. It taught me that it’s never too late to choose once again who we really are and what we really want in life. It taught me to be more purposeful, resilient, and authentic. I have learned that a fulfilling life and successful career are not mutually exclusive.
Purpose is not something we find outside of ourselves. Purpose is not what we do but how we do everything. To live and work purposefully is to choose how you show up in every area of life. 2020 has given us the opportunity to become aware of the individual and collective processes that work through us and change the ones that no longer work. We can only change things of which we are conscious.
Personally, 2020 gave me the chance to transform the way I live and practice. It shifted my perspective on what success means to me. We are not here to power through the pandemic and return to normal. If 2020 has a silver lining, it is to instill in us and our profession the urgency to overhaul how we live and work. It has shown us the importance of prioritizing well-being, leading with empathy, and fostering connection. This year is an opportunity to redefine how we live and work and to create a life and practice with purpose.