Last week was particularly difficult for many in our community. With ongoing health concerns, news of extended court closures, and the announcement that California schools are not likely to return to regular session this school year, additional uncertainty and anxiety settled in for many of us. At the same time, we’ve received an overwhelming response to Friday’s Special President’s Message letting you know what the SDCBA is doing to address our membership’s evolving concerns. And, we want to reiterate to you—our valued members—that you are not alone in managing this crisis. As I said in Friday’s message: We see you. We hear you. And we are here for you. To best meet your needs, we’d like your input through our Member Survey. We want your feedback on how we can best serve you in the weeks and months ahead, and whether you have particular expertise for a program or article to share with the SDCBA membership. We plan to conclude the survey tomorrow, assess the results, and quickly start delivering programs and services that will best meet your needs.
As a reminder, the SDCBA already is offering virtual programs and events to support you. This week, we are hosting two timely Law + Tech programs: Virtual Techy Hour – Show and Share and Tutorial for Mediators: How to Conduct Virtual Mediations. Plus, we are hosting a CLE webinar, 2020 Forecast: COVID-19 and Other US Healthcare Regulatory Marketplace Updates, to help you stay informed on the evolving COVID-19 regulations. And next week, I hope you will join Executive Director Jill Epstein and me for a Virtual Lunch/Town Hall, where we will share the results of the member survey, discuss what the Bar is doing to meet your needs as a member, answer your questions, and hear more of your ideas.
We’re also pleased to share with you today the digital version of San Diego Lawyer Magazine, which is focused on The Business of Law. The issue should be in your physical mailbox soon, but given that so many of you are working remotely, we wanted to bring you a preview of the digital issue now. We hope you’ll check out the articles covering topics including The Business of Law, the Generation Z Workforce, Blockchain Basics, the Legal Aid Society of San Diego, this year’s successful High School Mock Trial program, an entertaining book review by Hon. Dwayne Moring, and the regular Ethics and Law School columns, in addition to other terrific articles and features. I’ve also penned a column about Leading Through Crisis: A People-Centered Approach, if you find that helpful as you’re navigating evolving circumstances.
Finally, as our legal community adapts to the changing climate, many of us are meeting new challenges, like working full-time from a home office. The Red Bee Group’s A National Survey on the New Normal of Working Remotely recently found that despite the drastic change in our daily lives, many legal professionals feel pressure to continue business as usual. While we need to continue working, we also must acknowledge the changes wrought by this crisis. The survey concludes with some “Best Practices” for ensuring personal and professional well-being while working remotely, which you can find on pages 9 and 10 of this report.
Take good care, and we hope you’ll stay in touch with us.
Johanna Schiavoni
2020 SDCBA President
(Please view a personal video message from Johanna Schiavoni on our home page.)