Last week, the digital edition of San Diego Lawyer Magazine went live. The July/August issue is themed the “Places We’ve Been,” highlighting the travels of lawyers in our community. While our travel options are limited right now, we hope you enjoy vicarious travels of some of your colleagues, as we all look forward to a day when we can return to such travel ourselves. Other key features in the latest issue include At Another American Racial Crossroads, One Man’s View, Roxy Is Black, Traveling During the Pandemic, Virtual Law School, The Fight Against Climate Change Goes to Court, COVID-19, Climate Change, and Environmental Justice, and more. And of course, check out our regular columns covering ethics, technology, and the business of law. Plus, I hope you enjoy my latest President’s Column, The Road Ahead—Together, about the SDCBA’s 2020-2022 strategic plan and our new mission statement. I want to thank our staff, the Magazine’s editorial team, and all of the contributors for putting together this outstanding issue. I am sure you will enjoy it!
Our upcoming free Tech Tuesday webinars include a program on Microsoft Word tools from the “review” ribbon (August 18 at 10:00 a.m.) and a follow up program on Word tools focused on pleading paper and creating tables of authorities (August 25 at 10:00 a.m.).
Next week, we also have a number of CLE programs, including:
- August 25, 12:00 p.m. – Employment Law, the Battle Ground for Civil Rights: What Employers Should Know in the Wake of Civil Unrest & the #BLM Movement (presented by the Labor & Employment Law Section, with 1.0 hour Elimination of Bias CLE credit available)
- August 27, 12:00 p.m. – California Consumer Privacy Act: Key Trends and Development (presented by the Business & Corporate Law Section with 1.0 hour CLE credit available)
- August 27, 5:00 p.m. – 8th Annual Beer, Spirits, and Wine Law Update (presented by the Entertainment & Sports Law Section, with 1.5 hours CLE general credit available)
Please take note – the Bench-Bar-Media Event that was to take place on August 19 has been postponed to September due to scheduling conflicts. A new date will be announced shortly.
We have some exciting news in the LRIS arena! Last month, the State Bar approved the SDCBA’s application for our Lawyer Referral and Information Service (LRIS) to expand and serve consumers in Imperial County. Our SDCBA’s Board of Directors and LRIS Committee noted that there are very few legal public services in Imperial County and we are well-positioned to assist the community and help with their legal needs. To learn more about joining an LRIS panel, to watch our new video testimonials from other LRIS lawyer panelists, and to apply to join the referral service, please click here. You can also check out the series of video interviews with LRIS panelist attorneys, which sessions are designed to help the public better understand their rights and where they can turn for information. Feel free to share these as a resource.
Finally, remind the K-12 students in your life to submit their posters and videos for our Law Week Poster & Video Contest,which is centered around the theme “Your Vote, Your Voice, Our Democracy – the 19th Amendment at 100.” Submissions are due by September 4. Winners receive prize money and their entries will be displayed at the federal court and on our website. Learn more about this year’s contest and how to submit the student’s entries here »
Johanna Schiavoni
2020 SDCBA President