President’s Message: July 19, 2021

There are currently 12 openings in the San Diego Superior Court. If you are an attorney with at least ten years in practice and have been considering taking the next step in your career, this is a great time to submit a Judicial Appointment application. I’ll note that the application is substantial and takes time to complete. Get started now if you want to be considered!

If you’re unsure about whether sitting on the Bench is right for you, you can simultaneously test the waters and help with the current COVID-related backlog by applying to be a Judge Pro Tem a.k.a. a temporary judge. Temporary judges can hear small claims, traffic, and family support cases. You can take the training online to be able to submit your application.

Our next Lawyers as Leaders “Leadership Speaker Series” event on July 29 will focus on Pathways to a Judicial Career. You can hear from Presiding Judge Lorna A. Alksne, Judge Terrie E. Roberts, and attorney Nadia Bermudez, who sits on the San Diego County Regional Judicial Selection Advisory Committee. This Zoom program can give you the basics of what you need to know about demystifying the process and even will give some insight into applying to be a Pro Tem Judge as well.

You can also feel confident taking the next steps to become a judge by applying to participate in the San Diego Superior Court’s Judicial Mentor Program, a new program that will pair sitting judges with a potential judicial applicant to help them understand the start-to-finish process for appointment to vacant seats. Applications are due by October 31 for the inaugural group of mentees!

If you are interested in learning about how to increase judicial diversity in California (which may inspire you to seek appointment!), then you don’t want to miss California Lawyers Association’s 2021 Judicial Diversity Summit. This program is only held every five years and will be held virtually this year on September 14, 21, and 28.

Not ready to apply to be a judge yet? There are other ways you can expand your skill set and make a difference.

The SDCBA provides a Fee Arbitration Program and is looking for attorneys to volunteer to join the program as pro bono arbitrators. The program offers parties an opportunity to resolve fee disputes without taking the matter to court and provides the volunteer arbitrators with an opportunity to practice as a neutral and to determine if you might be interested in taking the next step of applying to be a judge!

Applying for judicial appointment may seem daunting. You may think you don’t have what it takes. The truth is, you won’t know unless you try. And I’m looking forward to calling you “Your Honor!”