The SDCBA’s highest priority is to support its members. This concept is woven throughout our Core Values, Vision, and newly adopted Mission: To connect lawyers and support their success and fulfillment. With our compelling educational programming and comprehensive CLE content; engaging networking events, fulfilling volunteer roles, meaningful wellness offerings, and significant leadership opportunities, the SDCBA is committed to fostering growth among our members and throughout the legal profession and broader community. We’ve developed a one-page summary of all our guiding principles: our Mission, Vision, Values, and Strategic Goals for 2020-2022. You can easily find it here.
Today, we kicked off our first ever MEMBO! Member Benefit Expo & Appreciation Fest, free for SDCBA members. This virtual expo hall is all about celebrating you. Each day, we’re featuring programs presented by experts, vendors, and sponsors, including sessions about law practice management platforms, e-filing, securing client communications, trust accounting, invoicing, use of freelance attorneys, Zoom jury trials, free mediations through RESOLVE Law San Diego, and more.
MEMBO! also will feature special entertainment every evening at 5:00 p.m.:
- TONIGHT! – a members-only culinary session with celebrity chef Josh Capon, a six-time winner of Rachel Ray’s Burger Bash (you still have time to shop for your ingredients)
- Tuesday, July 21 – Trivia, hosted by the New Lawyer Division
- Wednesday, July 22 – a private musical performance with Jeff Lewis, featured on The Voice (with a moderated Q&A so you can peek behind the curtain)
- Thursday, July 23 – BINGO
- Friday, July 24 – announcement of winners for some really amazing prizes (the drawings are free to enter)!
Register here for a pass to everything MEMBO!
The next few weeks bring you even more unique programs, including the second event in our newly reimagined Breakouts with the Bench Series — Criminal Law on July 27 at 12:00 p.m. The Supervising Judge of the Criminal Law Division, Hon. Eugenia Eyherabide, will provide an update about criminal law practice at the Superior Court. Then all attendees will join a Zoom “breakout room” with fellow attorneys and one or more judges for a smaller group discussion. Space is limited, so register now to secure your spot!
Next week we’re also bringing you more great stuff:
- July 28, 10:00 a.m. – Intro to PowerPoint (Tech Tuesday series)
- July 28, 12:00 p.m – Jay Wheeler Civility Lecture — Civility in the Practice of Law: Upholding Professional Standards with Opposing Counsel (CLE courtesy of the Joseph J. Wheeler Educational Fund for Civility, Integrity, and Professionalism)
- July 29, 12:00 p.m. – Unbundled Legal Services: Ethical Challenges for Limited Scope Representation (CLE presented by the Family Law Section)
- July 29, 12:00 p.m. – Workforce Worries and Well-Being: Supporting Employees During the Pandemic (presented by the Wellness Subcommittee)
A reminder that if you would like to step into a leadership role with the SDCBA, consider running for the 2021 Board of Directors. Nominations are now open for four “At-Large” Board positions on the ballot and one regional position (North County Division). Working on the Board is a terrific way to lead and serve the community. Click here to learn more. The deadline for self-nominations is 5 p.m. August 3.
On a national and a local level, we are deeply saddened by the loss of two great leaders last week. Civil rights leader and Congressman John Lewis taught us so many valuable lessons throughout his life and long career in public service, but one particularly poignant in this election year is about the importance of voting rights: “Voting access is the key to equality in our democracy. The size of your wallet, the number on your Zip Code shouldn’t matter. The action of government affects every American so every citizen should have an equal voice. . .”
— Congressman John Lewis, introducing a bill to restore the Voting Rights Act in 2019.
Locally, we lost attorney Peter Quon, an extraordinary leader and mentor to so many of us. We were honored to recognize Peter with the SDCBA’s Outstanding Attorney award in 2019. Our hearts and condolences go out to Peter’s family, friends, and colleagues. He is deeply missed. Please see our tribute to Peter below in Of Note.
Johanna Schiavoni
2020 SDCBA President