The deadline to submit self-nominations for the 2021 SDCBA Board of Directors election is next Monday, August 3 at 5:00 p.m. Serving on the Board is a unique opportunity to lead and support our legal community, and to help set the direction of the Association for years to come. If you are interested in stepping into this leadership role, click here to learn more.
This week, we will host two outstanding civility and ethics programs. On Tuesday, July 28 at noon, please join our New Lawyer Division as they honor the legacy of attorney Jay Wheeler with a lunchtime program: Civility in the Practice of Law — Upholding Professional Standards with Opposing Counsel. The program is FREE for members, as the Ethics MCLE portion is being underwritten by The Joseph J. Wheeler Educational Fund for Civility, Integrity, and Professionalism. Don’t miss the expert panel including San Diego Superior Court Judges Katherine Bacal and Joel Wohlfeil, and attorneys Carole Buckner, Edward McIntyre and David Majchrzak.
On Wednesday, July 29 at noon, the Family Law Section will present another Ethics MCLE, focused on Unbundled Legal Services: Ethical Challenges for Limited Scope Representation. The program will feature attorney, mediator, and author Woody Mosten, who has pioneered unbundled legal services in family law.
Also on Wednesday, July 29 at noon, our Wellness Subcommittee will present a roundtable to discuss Workforce Worries and Well-Being: Supporting Employees During the Pandemic. The discussion will feature our own Executive Director Jill Epstein, Court Executive Officer Michael Roddy, and attorney Janice Brown and will discuss practical tools and tips for employers on how best to support employees’ well-being while dealing with the ongoing and evolving pandemic.
Next Monday, August 3 at noon, the Civil Litigation Section will present The Art of Taking & Defending Virtual Depositions, which will take attendees through the entire virtual deposition process, from the new (virtual) deposition notices and admonitions through tips to having your client make the best impression for the camera as well as a discussion of how this virtual world will impact your next trial.
And last, but not least, we have two great Tech Tuesday programs for you — tomorrow’s program at 10:00 a.m., Introduction to PowerPoint, and next Tuesday’s program, also at 10:00 a.m., Microsoft Word — Essentials for Legal Professionals.
We hope you join us for some of these outstanding programs. Take good care.
Johanna Schiavoni
2020 SDCBA President