Each year, the SDCBA asks its members to elect the next group of leaders to the Board of Directors. As the SDCBA’s governing body, the Board is comprised of 19 volunteer attorneys who work to steward the organization and ensure its continuing alignment with our vision and mission to meet our members’ needs. This year, there will be four “At-Large” Board positions on the ballot and one regional position (North County Division). Joining the Board is a terrific opportunity to lead and serve the community. If you are interested in running for a 2021 Board of Directors seat, please click here. The deadline for self-nominations is 5 p.m. August 3.
I’m also excited to invite you to our first-ever MEMBO! — Member Benefit Expo & Appreciation Fest, happening July 20-24. Please join us as we celebrate you—our members—during an exciting week of activities, with full access to our virtual expo hall. Drop into your choice of info-packed webinars designed to help your practice, presented by experts from our Member Benefit Partners—leading providers to the legal industry—with a can’t-miss keynote by Clio CEO Jack Newton, as well as many demonstrations of products designed to make your life easier. The final line-up will be published on Tuesday, July 14. There will be entertainment, too, with games, opportunity drawings, and prizes. MEMBO! is free for SDCBA members. (Note: you only need to register once for all of MEMBO!. You’ll receive access to links to all of the week’s webinars, demonstrations, and games before MEMBO! begins.) Register here »
We have a number of other innovative events coming up, too. This Wednesday, July 8 at noon marks the launch of our Breakouts with the Bench Series, starting with our Civil Law virtual event. Connect personally with judges and attorneys from across the county in Zoom virtual breakout rooms. Only a few spots remain, so please register today to join us. Also, mark your calendar for the next virtual event in the series, Criminal Law, happening July 27 at noon. You can register here.
Tomorrow, our Tech Tuesday event is all about The Wonders of Microsoft 365 (10:00 a.m. start time), and there’s also an informative lunchtime CLE about Disability Etiquette (1.0 hour of Elimination of Bias self study credit). Next week, we are offering a Tech Tuesday event, The Latest & Greatest Features of Microsoft Outlook, on July 14 at 10:00 a.m., as well as a virtual Happy Hour: 2020 Tax Relief and Relaxation Act Party! on Thursday, July 16 at 4:30 p.m.
Later in the month, it’s time for the second event in our Leadership Speaker Series: Lights, Camera, Action: How to Become a TV Legal Commentator. Join us on July 20 at noon for a star-studded panel featuring a Hollywood producer and a TV legal analyst.
Finally, you should have received the latest copy of San Diego Lawyer Magazine in your mailbox, but if you’re not in the office, check out the digital copy. This issue’s title theme is Women in the Law, and the magazine is packed with interesting feature articles along with our regular columns. Please also remember that if you achieve a professional success, feel welcome to submit it to bar@sdcba.org for inclusion in our member Distinctions section of the Magazine.
We wish you a terrific week.
Johanna Schiavoni
2020 SDCBA President